Stolen motorbike Auckland, Honda CBR

neuroticpsychot, Apr 26, 8:25pm
Hi - my partner's project bike was stolen from Epsom, Auckland either late Sunday or early Monday (Anzac day) and just wanted to put the word out on the chance anyone might have spotted it.

It's a Honda CBR 250rr, 1992. Plate 77UYM. Blue/white/black, no side farings, lapsed rego. (It was running okay - if stupidly loud IMO). Pic here:

Cheers for your time - we're on 0210327733 if you can help.

crzyhrse, Apr 26, 8:32pm
Have you posted this on !

neuroticpsychot, Dec 16, 7:13am
No, only on gpforum. Thanks, I'll do that now :)