Can anyone shed some light on this problem - took hood lining off today which involved taking centre roof panel with lightsoff and putting it back on - now the CD player, over head lights wont work and the truck wont start - we also disconnected the cd stacker from the back - have checked fuses but all look ok - its turn over but just doenst fire .
Apr 23, 2:51pm
Have you remembered to press the unlock button on the key / keyring !
Apr 23, 3:31pm
yea who knows maybe the car sensed it the stereo was stolen and flicked it in imobilizer mode so it would not get stolen also!
Apr 23, 4:28pm
well we found one fuse that had gone now the lights are working and stereo is going but it still wont start - if it is the imobilizer how would we fix it .
Apr 23, 4:28pm
also its a 94 cherokee
Apr 23, 5:57pm
The key has no button on it.Im very confused. I have allways used the key in the door locks to open the car. . I think the alarm immobilser is on now thats why its not starting. What do I do! I have disconnected and re connected the battery. I turned the key in each door lock and back door a few turns, but nothing.
Apr 23, 6:36pm
Is there a litte black nob in the middle of the roof pannle shaped like half a black ball!.I am not sure if thats the transmitter for the immobiliser or if it has something to do with the compass etc.Maybe something not connected when it was refitted.
Apr 24, 1:32am
Thanks mate, yes it has a that little black dome thing, it runs off a wiring loom and i just had to reconnect that to to the wire that goes into the roof. I think this has something to do with the alarm, but i am clueless about this sort of thing. And on a long weekend nobody can help me,I turned a simple job into a major thing now. grrrr I feel very stupid. Maybe disconnecting it disconnected the alarm even now that I have reconnected it, now it needs resetting or something. HELP PLS
Mate, I appreciate your help, thanks a lot. Ive tried that and also running a wire direct from the starter solenoid to the battery, but still no joy.
Dec 13, 11:52am
Now if my memory serves me well, If the car has a factory immobiliser installed you get 3 chances to start it. Otherwise I believe it has to go to a Jeep repair shop that has the DBIII codes for jeep. I have a 2000 Grand Cherokee and I read that if someone tries to steal it after 3 attempts at starting it the electrics lock up and immobilize it and only a Jeep repair shop has the unlock code. However it might be worth getting a auto electrician to test it first. Worth their weight in Gold these Guys and may not be a expensive repair.
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