Greymouth Car Transporters?

zephyrheaven, Apr 19, 10:42pm
Does anyone on here know anyone going to Greymouth with an empty truck deck before Friday 22th April!

zephyrheaven, Apr 20, 2:59am
Wanting to take my wife and son on the train over there then cruise around for a few days in the zephyr - rental car is an option but yuck lol

nathanmac, Apr 20, 3:24am
tis a hard place to get a car in and out of i found - as you know. any of your mates keen to drive it over for you and take the tranz alpine home!

by the way, the Arthurs Pass road is now my all time favourite drive, (with or without a recovery trailer in tow).closely followed by Wanaka to Hokitika.

gmc350, Nov 30, 10:07am
southern salvage