Where To Buy Red Tail-Light Lense Repair Tape From

dazza318, Apr 20, 9:22pm
Can anyone tell me where i can get some red lense repair tape to fix a tail-light broken lense, i heard norton tape make product,i'm not looking for lense repair kits which you cut and stick patch on there not much good for shaping/bending on curved lenses only reall good on flat ones,use to be able to buy tape from Repro but they or Super cheap do have any,have tried Mitre Ten Mega and The WareHouse no luck,any help would be great.

dasfi, Apr 21, 3:43am
wat car is it for!

m16d, Apr 21, 4:06am
I fixed the caravan tail light with red tape and them buggers wouldn't pass it for a wof.

pfemstn, Apr 21, 3:09pm
forget itno chance of a warrant!

intrade, Apr 21, 4:25pm
you can fix tailights and it will pass a wof. solong as you use similar plastic then what the hole is in your lens and it has to mach the colour.
I have fixed the tailight on my renault van with a bicicle light that i found on the gravel road lol. took me 4h labour however to file and shape both parts so it would fit and close the hole then glued it with poliurethan type glue in place.
wof rule say light must not have moisture inside at wof and no white light must shine out and as per above same material and it will pass a wof anywhere.

carmedic, Apr 21, 9:31pm
Is that a brand name!

wron, Apr 21, 10:44pm
Sound it out James!

johnf_456, Apr 22, 12:34am
No sound it out, it makes sense

carmedic, Apr 22, 1:16am
I know, it was said tong in cheek (hence the wink). His dyslexia??

johnf_456, Apr 22, 1:19am
No need to dis him like that with the dyslexia comment even if he is.

carmedic, Apr 22, 1:34am
Get a sense of humour John; in reality I believe English isn??

johnf_456, Apr 22, 1:35am
Just hard to tell over the messageboards if someone is serious or laughing thats the one hard thing about online communication. But yeah you just don't know if someone is serious or not. But don't worry ignore my post if your not serious, has for nismo beats me don't know him.

carmedic, Apr 22, 1:45am
Now THAT??

intrade, Apr 22, 1:55am
huh ! poliurethan type glue comes in a catridge from bunnings carters building supply. used to be made by fosrock but now its made by Sika let me see what its called as a brand now sika-supertack is the name

singing1, Nov 27, 11:54am
Put a red bulb in the bloody thing and forget about the lens