Car choices

thejazzpianoma, Apr 18, 7:15pm
Seriously! Mine havebeen super reliable. Whats gone wrong with yours!

BTW, are you going to sell it on TM. I am likely to be looking for another one shortly.

ct9a, Apr 18, 7:18pm
even if i was drunk i dont think my goggles would get past the looks haha

aleestar, Apr 18, 7:23pm
buy a ford or holden

pandai, Apr 18, 7:25pm
I dare say, you might not need anything more special than a Camry wagon, or other similar car.

thejazzpianoma, Apr 18, 7:28pm
Hmmm if you want something more trouble free than that you are going to have to go super basic. My current Multipla has been one of our tradesmans vehicles before I decided to use it for home. It has put up with some seriously hard work and only ever needed the most basic maintenance in the 80'000km I have owned it. You are right some of the plastics are a bit light weight but in terms of the actual drive train they are about as bullet proof as you get.

Either you have just been really unlucky or you may need to look at how you are driving and servicing it. If you manage to destroy a clutch on a Multipla before 200K its usually due to poor driving habbits, either yours or a previous owners.

Not having a go here BTW, just a bit concerned about what you can change to that will be cheaper to maintain.

If you want to post whether yours is diesel/petrol km's and year and what sort of money you want for it, there is a chance I may be keen to grab it if you decide you just want it gone.

Best of luck with whatever you decide to get.

crzyhrse, Apr 18, 7:29pm
Dude! Don't take johnf_456's bait!

thejazzpianoma, Apr 18, 7:32pm
Yeah, I was wondering if this was suss aye.

Well done! Got me and a very nice wind up!

Really, I should have been a lot more suss at the prospect of an unhappy Multipla owner. I am yet to meet one. or an unreliable Multipla.

ct9a, Apr 18, 7:38pm

meow_mix, Apr 18, 7:50pm
Holdens and Fords also have dodgy build quality especially in the $5k -$6k price range.I'd recommend a Jap wagon, Camrys are good, Mitsubishi Diamantes are good sized wagons and sell quite cheaply so you could get a reasonably new one for your money.

aleestar, Apr 18, 7:52pm
any kind iv ownd both and fords r cheaper to drive 80 bux frm whakatane to aux and back and thats a 5.0 v8 and a holden was 2 tanks

jason18, Apr 18, 8:17pm
toyota cavaliers make a good run about. Very very reliable

gilligan2, Apr 18, 8:24pm
yeah i had one but traded it for a rover 75.

mrfxit, Apr 18, 8:27pm
LOL, you KNOW what we do with crazy horses . aye

Give it a rest . blimin troll even has the cheek to try & bait me in other threads.

jason18, Apr 18, 10:34pm
nissan primera wagons arent too bad

jason18, Nov 16, 3:09am
oh ok flag that you only be able to fit 5 people in that