Is it $78 to advertise a car

redhead21, Apr 13, 12:20am
for sale on TM.Have had two attempts even rang TM and still I am being charged $78.

v8_mopar, Apr 13, 12:21am
Did you add it to the price of the car!

morrisman1, Apr 13, 12:23am
last time I checked it was $39 to advertise. Auctions receive a success fee but classifieds don't. There are fees for other add ons like feature listings etc.

I see you have two listings for the same vehicle, one classified and the other auction. The auction will be charged a success fee once it is sold of $15 if less than $1000 or $39 if more than $1000.

39 + 39 is $78 so that is what it will cost to sell your car by auction. Classified would just be $39 - hence why I always go with classified, plus I have had good success with classifieds

redhead21, Apr 13, 12:30am
I have been in touch with trademe and apparently it has come up on the homepage.When I ticked what I wanted everything came up, so its perhaps a glitch in my computer.Nevermind all sorted now. cheers

lookoutas, Apr 13, 12:40am
No - you don't click on any of those extra features, and the cost is $39. All those extras add another $39.
But they don't tell you that, and rely on novices stuffing up. It's call "upselling"

You've heard this before:
"Do you want fries with that order sir" (or madam)
It's globally worth millions extra per year, for them to say that.

phillip.weston, Oct 24, 6:05am
yeah I think it's a tad overpriced also, we're picking up BA XR6s with almost half the kms for $12-13k.