I turn car off and it carries on.

richyrich, Apr 9, 2:13am
.only a couple of seconds but its splurts to a rough stop.1992 mitsi l200 ute.any ideas whats causing this rough shutdown!

hondalova, Apr 9, 2:37am
mates van does it. excess fuel in cylinders and heat of engine makes it do that, of what ive been told.

jasongroves, Apr 9, 3:14am
Running on.usually caused by incorrect fuel/air mixtures.

m16d, Apr 9, 3:20am
Stomp your foot on the floor as you turn it off. Keep it there til the motor stops spinning.

rob_man, Apr 9, 3:24am
Excess carbon buildup in the combustion chambers and on the pistons. There are fuel additives which will clean the deposits out or throw a new set of plugs in it and take it for a good flog on the open road, that might help.
Possibly needs a tune up, running rich will cause the carbon.

a18a, Apr 9, 3:33am
This also makes starting the car easier next time

richyrich, Apr 9, 3:40am
thanks fullas.tune up yes.my temp gauge has stopped working too,could it be a faulty thermostat causing this as well!

rob_man, Apr 9, 3:48am
Kind of unlikely, does it smell hot or boil!
Apply Occam's Razor and go for the obvious first.

richyrich, Apr 9, 4:47am
rob_man wrote:

Kind of unlikely, does it smell hot or boil!
Apply Occam's Razor and go for the obvious first.
where do i get that from,repco or supercheap!

pollymay, Apr 9, 4:50am
My record is 45 seconds for a ford laser to diesel on, it just sounded sad

jasongroves, Apr 9, 5:19am
If its not working at all, I would first check that the temp sensor is connected as they can work themselves loose, otherwise could be the sensor itself or the connection behind the instrument cluster.

jasongroves, Apr 9, 5:20am
where do i get that from,repco or supercheap![/quote] Lol

beast9, Apr 9, 6:22am
fuel air mixture and ignition timing can cause run-on if its carb the fuel shut off solnoid could be stuck and check the connection of your temp gauge on the motor as it could be dirty common cause

ginga4lyfe, Apr 9, 7:07am
if its a carb on the manifold i wouldnt put it past it that the carb has blocked up a little and causing the fuel to stream into the manifold instead of atomising, you would really feel this as the case if the l200 is sluggish and gutless at start then clears up at upper rpm's , so it may pay to get some carb cleaner or carb cleaner fuel additive to run through, though this theory may be a little extreme

pierced1, Apr 10, 1:27am
Back when i was young, stupid and didnt care for my cars. I had a Mitsi Mirage Turbo that used to run on forever and stalling it was the only way to stop it. After a fortnight of this, i finally decided to pop the bonnet and saw a nice rusty watermark on the radiator top tank.

Took off the rad cap to reveal absolutely ZERO water in the beast, so refilled and started car and drove. The car was mint afterwards starting and stopping like a charm.I did find a pin hole in the top tank so fixed that up and all was sweet.

My Theory - the wax autochoke didnt like running on hot but thin air ;-)

bigfatmat1, Apr 10, 1:37am
ignition timing to far advanced

franc123, Oct 16, 12:51am
Probably more likely carbon buildup from all the oil they burn, its only a matter of time before the thing cracks a head or the rest of it goes bang anyway.Pull the thing out, call a scrap metal dealer, and do a Holden V6 conversion like everybody else if the rest of the ute isn't too stuffed.