Shoud i repaint hole car?

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iron-maiden, Apr 4, 4:40pm
ive got a 89 r32,which is not perfect ive sanded drives door and other panel down ready to just spary can as the were realy badly painted before.the problem i now have is can i match colour (grey) or should i sand the holde car down and paint it black/red/white a easy to paint and match up

rsr72, Apr 4, 5:22pm
Hole size is important though.

thunderbolt, Apr 4, 5:38pm
Easier to paint the sides of a hole really.

thejazzpianoma, Apr 4, 5:40pm
Sounds like an A hole of a job really.

richardmayes, Apr 4, 7:12pm
You can't paint a hole.

therafter1, Apr 4, 7:17pm
You can with spary cans.

flagheaven, Apr 4, 7:20pm
really !

therafter1, Apr 4, 7:28pm
Well I presume so, as that is what he is intending to use . I personally haven??

jason18, Apr 4, 7:34pm
Dont bother painting the hole car if your doing it with spray cans. Plus holes are a mission to paint. I once tried to paint this hole but i couldnt findthe prick.

40wav, Apr 4, 7:36pm
Just dont paint it will suck in all sorts of abjects when you drive past.It may just end the world if it gets big enough.

marcos1, Apr 5, 12:25am
And who says ya can't get sensible answers on a forum huh !

lookoutas, Apr 5, 12:39am
As soon as I saw the heading, it was obvious what was gunna happen:)

woody1946, Apr 5, 12:44am
Looks like the OP has gone to get a hole lot of spary cans, or maybe only enough for the drives door

thejazzpianoma, Apr 5, 12:45am
He certainly hasn't reappeared, perhaps he is holed up somewhere.

woody1946, Apr 5, 12:48am
Nah, probably busy sanding the holde car down

lookoutas, Apr 5, 1:11am
You shouldn't be taking the piss woody. You've just made 2 spelling mistakes. Or typos.

iron-maiden, Apr 5, 5:10am
so i made a spelling mistake big deal end of the world aye ! i pitty any of your kids who have dislexia buy the way im a she

jono2912, Apr 5, 5:15am
Get your paint code off your engine tag and go to resene or the likes and they're make it up and put it in a spray can so you can paint your hole.

flybye_in_a_rx7, Apr 5, 5:50am
OP. i would get rid of the car seeing what it is.

or if you keep it make sure you paint it properly before driving it on the road, get sick of seeing half ass paint jobs on skylines

iron-maiden, Apr 5, 5:11pm
y would i get rid of it i love it

chargerchick, Apr 6, 7:39pm
The hole or A-hole, oh we are so naughty.but tis so much fun

quickstitch, Apr 6, 10:12pm
and dyslexia. I only know this because i'm a member od DNA, (national Dyslexia Association).

sr2, Apr 6, 10:35pm
"Dyslexia rules KO!"

trogedon, Apr 6, 11:02pm
"Also" is a conjunction so not to be used at the start of a sentence. If you got out on a bicycle occasionally your brain would be oxygenated and you??

40wav, Apr 7, 2:48am
Fair enough. Have you taken it to a panel and paint shop to see if they can match the colour and either paint it for you or just supply you the paint! Might be a place to start. You'll get an idea of cost then too. The other option is like you say, sand the whole car and repaint - you get to pick whatever colour you like then. I've had odd repairs done to cars and the paint matching has usually been pretty good. Good luck.