Vinning a car

trader127, Apr 6, 8:29pm
Hi all, I know its pretty much a strict WOF, but what are all the things they go and look at! Once its vinned, can I then go ahead and register the car for the road!

socram, Apr 7, 12:08am
Further to that. Certifier says that although my car is as yet not yet ready for a WoF, I can trailer it down for a Vin number to be issued.

Until the Vin number is issued the certifier can't really do his work.As the rear window is just about the last thing to be fitted, I'd rather the Vin number was issued first, as it still has to go back to the full examination at a later date, and that may be a while after the certifier has dome his bit, as we now have to submit drawings of the (modified) suspension,

socram, Oct 7, 2:17pm
(sorry, had to post before checking!)and the drawings may take a month to get either rejected or approved.Hopefully they will be approved as I will be more than miffed if they are rejected, especially as the certifier was involved from day 1!