Fuel Economy. Thats not too flash recently drove my girlfriends car from napier auckland napier and averaged 7l per 100km
Mar 31, 6:24pm
Thats not too flash. Recently drove my girlfriends car from napier - auckland - napier and averaged 7L per 100km
Mar 31, 6:25pm
Sorry, but you need to do a better job of measuring.
Tank size is not relevant, many cars will still have 7~15L of fuel left even with the fuel warning light on.
1/4 tank on the fuel gauge may not even be 1/4 either, it may be more or less.
Best way is to start with a full tank, and measure how much goes back in, at the pump.
Mar 31, 7:07pm
Sorry thought I had said what it was.
Toyota altezza with the beams 2L engine with auto.
That wasnt buggering around either that was 110kph and passing slower cars constantly,
Forgot to mention I actually went via tauranga both ways but that doesnt affect fuel figures anyway.
Mar 31, 8:30pm
A more accurate measure would involve you filling the tank, doing your drive and then refilling your tank taking note of how much fuel you had to pump in. This would give you a better indication of what fuel you've used.
Mar 31, 8:50pm
Trying it tomorrow. Whangarei-Auckland (2 stops)-Tauranga. My home made headers, and VK electronic ignition just fitted, feels heaps better so economy will prove it. Was 23mpg a little while ago, Whg-Auck and back.
Mar 31, 11:24pm
indeed i hate it when people go by the fuel gauge. they are really inaccurate
Mar 31, 11:36pm
Indeed when the guage can vary on slope dependent and even temperature on some cars.
Apr 1, 12:02am
Yeah, the Altezza has 8.5-9L/100km rating, much better than mine. Damn them and dual VVTi!
Apr 1, 12:05am
A Celica with a 3SFE should actually be better than the Altezza 3SGE on fuel given the same usage
Apr 2, 6:58pm
what is heavier, a mid 90s celica with a 3sfe or a mid 90s corona with a 3sfe!
Apr 2, 8:10pm
our car uses 13L/100 km-XR8
Apr 5, 9:46pm
Tauranga to Whangarei last weekend, 3 large 4x4 tyres in the boot and back seat, bunch of my tools, various other shit, 179 and 5 speed with 3.9 diff, 3100rpm @ 100kmh.376.3kms, 45.3ltr. 23mpg.
Apr 5, 10:03pm
Last week I had my worst fuel economy ever, sitting in traffic in Christchurch.14.94L/100KM, those Honda V6's are not built for economy!50.57L, $114.23 and 338.4km.The best fuel economy I have had on the open road is somewhere around half that and average use with mostly city driving is 12.82L/100KM.
Apr 5, 10:14pm
I've got a '92 Corona which averages 6L/100kms including around town driving. it is a diesel though.
Apr 5, 10:18pm
I get around 7.7 out of my 3SGE manual Altezza, with air con funning and 3 adults and our gear for a 2 week holiday
Apr 5, 10:23pm
6L-7.5L depending on terrain per 100km on the open road and about 10L per 100km around town in my 1997 Honda Accord 2.2 Vtec auto
Apr 5, 11:13pm
15L per 100km in my 2.6L L200. (petrol)
Apr 6, 1:13am
Wow! I heard they were hungry but thats bad. Thats V8 economy
Apr 6, 1:30am
Fuel tank shape has a lot to do with the gauge reading - which is normally a simple float.If you can imagine an inverted cone, then you'll understand that half the height does no equate to half a tank!Not many tanks are a pure straight sided, straight bottomed shape.My project's tank is tapered upwards, so when I eventually get it running on the road, the gauge should drop quickly then slow down as the tank level drops.A quarter full on the gauge may well equate to a third full in the tank.
Most attempts at fuel consumption over a specific journey or route are academic, as rarely will you encounter identical loads, road, traffic, weather/wind conditions.One bozo at 70kph in front of you, forcing you to use any gear other than top, for three or 4 kms, can suck the fuel out very quickly!
Keep a log over weeks or months of fuel usage and you begin to get an accurate idea as to what the car is doing.Modern cars will have a real time reading and just lifting your foot off when going down even a slight slope can reduce the fuel usage considerably - like zero usage as opposed to 5L per 100.
9.2L/100 over 15 months, 2.2 turbo diesel with far too much time (75%!) in town!Out of town is often towing a car/trailer.
Apr 6, 1:32am
Yup spreadsheet it and graph its easy to do and not hard to do, note what goes in and note whats needed to fill it again next time.
Apr 6, 1:35am
My Nissan Patrol is 25 or 26L/100kms around town (petrol).
You guys have it good.
Apr 6, 1:39am
I have no need to complain about my wifes 1994 Toyota Rav4 that uses about 11Lper 100 around town.
Apr 6, 2:24am
My loaner Punto has done 500kms so far off a 45l tank and i went chch to timaru - on way there and way back was not cruising by any stretch of imagination and drove around all weekend there - still got heaps of fuel left - 1/3 tank as far as i can tell from my last 2 weeks driving it - used only 91 - no difference from 95 and only lets me put in 91 - as the 95 nozzle too big lol
Oct 5, 5:54am
all G papa
am coming up your way with daughter this month hopefully (if funds permit - have to see what deals AIR NZ have on at moment)
will catch up with ya when i do mate
Shakey town a bit quieter now - but we're just waiting (and building) for what will hopefully be the last of the big aftershocks then it should settle down again (hopefully)
Still waiting to get my car back from the garage in town - it is being demolished (whole area is) and radiator place hasn't rung me yet so i am thinking that might not be around any more - so may have to find a replacement radiator for my 1988 Lancia Delta HF Turbo from somewhere lol
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