How much to transport a motorbike

mrgts4, Apr 2, 2:21am
Does anybody have a rough idea as to how much it would cost to get a childs motorbike from Nelson to Wellington! Cheers

mongolia1, Apr 2, 2:55am
Google BikeTranz.Adele will give you a free quote.Highly recommended service.

flybye_in_a_rx7, Apr 2, 4:19am
300ish. not going too far, you could cut that by a bit asking them to meet you in picton. just pay their way.

mrgts4, Apr 2, 10:19pm
cheers, emailed biketranz so just waiting for a reply.

kiwi-d, Apr 3, 1:04am
ring TNL Freighting, get person to take there and tnl will put it on a pellet and freight it to the closest depo near you. this is how i get my bikes to chch. biketranz to dear

mongolia1, Sep 23, 11:47am
Another suggestion - take it to Picton - put it on Bluebridge, have person in Wellington collect from boat.Bluebridge take unaccompanied bikes.