Car transporters.

4tzhard, Mar 31, 9:01pm
Hi, I picked up a car in Auckland for a workmate in Wellington and had it shipped down by a car transporter. When it arrived in Wellington the exhaust, in my collegues words 'sounded funny' so he got it onto a hoist and found that there was a rip in the muffler. Now it definitely wasn't there when it left Auckland, but we have no way to prove that the transporters done it.

Does anybody have any idea what our rights are or how to go about requesting reimbursement from the shipper, any help would be appreciated.

On a side note, the car has been legally modified and is sitting at 105mm, and when it was shipped we were told that there was a delay because it was too low for a normal trailer and needed to be put on a hotrod trailer.

berg, Sep 17, 9:57pm
Who did it go down with!