How to do car swaps?

cantab1971, Mar 25, 10:49pm
i suppose trademe has no interest in such a thing, unless they can collect a fee!anyone any advice on the best place for that!

a18a, Mar 25, 11:06pm
make a classified ad and mention that you're keen on swaps. trademe don't always like that though

scousemouse, Mar 26, 2:12pm
what are you swapping

angelab, Mar 26, 9:40pm
When their car has its keys left in it ,you leave your keys in your car when you drive off in theirs!

pollymay, Mar 26, 10:43pm
Run a classified with cash or swaps. I've been offered nice cars for my turbo mr2 but I'm more keen on swap + cash but whatever floats me boat.

cantab1971, Aug 30, 12:18pm
crikey dick pollymay, if i wasnt a family man now I would give you the $6k for that MR2 tommorow.awesome! sigh. :(