Car Valet/Car Groomer

finn50, Mar 26, 4:34pm
Don't useCAR FEin Greenlane which belongs to Matthew Ridge. I spent $44.00 on an "Express Car Wash".After the clean, there was no discernable difference.What were they doing while my wife was drinking coffee in the waiting room !DON"T WASTE YOUR MONEY ON SHONKEY SERVICE!

read-a-holic, Nov 20, 5:05am
Anyone ever had their car taken to a car groomer! if so did you think it was worth the cost!

read-a-holic, Nov 20, 3:25pm
I was thinking of treating my car to a groom, they quoted me $150 + GST or $180 + GST if I wanted the engine cleaned too.its never had a decent clean and its pretty grubby inside although the upholstry is not too bad, its a small euro car btw

read-a-holic, Nov 20, 4:08pm
thanks for that, wasnt going to bother with the engine part cos I am not selling it just, dont have the time to give it a good clean, I was sort of thinking it would be nice to start again so to speak and maintain it from there, yes they did mention a high quality polish for that price

read-a-holic, Nov 28, 5:52pm
papariccardo, well got it done but they charged me an extra $50 cos there was dog hair on the upholstry, not huge amount but enough for them to spew when I dropped it off, so ended up being $230 incl GST, must admit though when I picked it up I thought it was like when I purchased it, seems like they did a good job the inside stunk of chemicals for a few days but is fine now, worth the money but wouldnt want to do it too oftenlolp.s.think it was a high shine polish cos it looked shiney til it rained that night & I have never seen the hubcaps looks so shiney

racetoy, Nov 28, 6:37pm
i hate quoting over the phone .people always seem to have this idea in there head that there car isnt as dirty as they tell you,,so i always quote high over the phone pet hair can sometimes be a real bitch to get get out.which all takes time $$

pandai, Nov 28, 6:38pm
That's still not too bad a price, keeping your car looking good and tidy certainly improves its value as well.I plan on getting a car polished some time before Christmas, it's gonna be at least $250, and paint only, looking forward to it

read-a-holic, Nov 28, 7:25pm
my son just bought his first car and it could do with a repaint at some stage its a bit rough but I figure it will cost more than the carlol

fordguy17, Nov 28, 8:36pm
Most likely, a basic repaint will be atleast $4000-5000, some places a hell of a lot more. But it's worth it, even if it's a basic car, they look so much nicer when the paint is mint. I would love to get both my cars resprayed, first my weekender, then the daily Laser. Doesn't matter what the car is worth, if you like the car enough and want to keep it for a long time, money is no object.

enigma, Apr 15, 9:06am
Agree on repaint, I would dearly love to have mine done, but the prices are simply too prohibitive. :(