Buying a car of trademe, what are my rights?

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electromic, Jan 30, 1:03am
tonyrockyhorror wrote:
9;s far too many prior-to-purchase steps for most people!

Yep true! I didn't even put in my best two rules. Research the make and model for common faults and only buy a vehicle that I can service myself.

Some people buy a car based on colour alone.

gmphil, Jan 30, 5:24am
So do urself and rest of us a favour !in have it scraped then

duke250, Jan 30, 1:36pm
Well still a good car, no more dangerous then riding a motor cycle. I cant really afford to scrap so will have to make the most of it. I could sell it and get my money back if i don't mention the rust, but i just wont do that!

I mean the car had a brand new WOF, absolutely no visible rust on body. Gearbox and engine really strong. who would of guessed that there would be rust around the firewall! What happened was that the owner before the guy who sold it to me let the drain get clogged up so water would get stuck and as a result rot the firewall.

kazbanz, Jan 30, 1:41pm
OPHave you taken the car to an actual rust repair outfit! Not a general beaterbut a rust removal specialist!
You might be suprised how inexpensive it is to repair

liggy2, Jan 30, 3:00pm
Consumer guarantees act covers all purchases -make claim under that.

vtecintegra, Jan 30, 3:06pm

kazbanz, Jan 30, 3:18pm
lmao--yea righto expert -kee3p sputing

elect70, Jan 30, 4:07pm
Since when did any WOF inspector pull sound deadening off to check for rust on a firewall !Its patched so forget about it.

duke250, Nov 21, 12:07pm
Its somewhat of a safety concern, but meh its just my runabout and I usually stay off the motorway. Ill just drive it till it falls apart I guess.