Prices have gone noticed. There are few bargains around these days.
The new laws that prohibit the importing of the bread and butter cars is now closed in Nov 2011, and we have to import only 2005 up will make the cars a lot dearer here in NZ, and it has already.look at the prices.WOW!
Feb 2, 12:57pm
i think it has nothing to do with imports and more to do with companies keeping there cars longer to try and save money or borrow less
Feb 2, 12:57pm
What are you comparisons, before and after!
Feb 2, 12:59pm
So, to be really clear, you think that until January this year you could bring in cars that were as old as about year 2000.Now, you can only bring in cars about 2005 of newer (for the last 34) days . and you feel this has effected the entire massive backlog of cars sitting in every car importer's yard and warehouse so that they have what I can only suspect is tens of thousands of cars currently lurking in stock lists!
I see.
Feb 2, 1:17pm
smac and kfc =I made this prediction12 months ago and continued to do so up till december. Out of 80 cars in stockI currently only have THREE cars I can sell for $6995 or less and I can't source that price bracket locally. But heck go ahead and scoff -thats ok
Feb 2, 1:40pm
I'm not scoffing, I'm asking a perfectly relevant question. I'm curious to know what examples have caused the OP to make the claim that "car prices are up $1000-$2000".
I also asked you back then for examples we could use as a benchmark, but you never gave any, so proving it objectively is going to be tricky now.
If it happens, I'm not gonna try and deny it, but I want numbers.
Feb 2, 1:42pm
Yep they have gone up, and some dealers I know bought three months supply, of which now of course one month of those have gone and they are not discounting them, to hold a better margin as they can not replace them. Once they are gone that is it. LOL, but no one believed you Kaz, cause you are a carshark. Add to that the poor yen rate, and the increased internal demand in Japan due to their disaster, the cars are more expensive to buy over there to. But this is only another carshark talking as well, so won't be believed either. LOL.
Feb 2, 1:50pm
so the new import rules have nothing to do with the current shortage of cars. it just so happens that the market for new cars andlate model imports has been in decline for a while causing a shortage of cheaper cars for those who prefer not to spend a lot
Feb 2, 1:53pm
Meh - we have heard all this before, many times.
last time I went tyre kicking (6 months ago) there weren't any $6995 cars around then either. But $11k - $14k would buy you just about any ordinary tin-top import, be it a 1300cc Daihatshit, a 1500cc Lancer / Wingroad, a 2 litre Accord, a 2.5 litre Skyline or a 3 litre Legacy.
In other words, you can have either a beautiful, powerful sports saloon or a nasty little P.O.S., or anything in between, the price isn't a lot different! I have no idea what the costs are, that add up to the price of a fresh import, but the car itself seems to have precious little to do with it.
Feb 2, 2:05pm
Its been noticeable for many months that the best buys are for larger cars.More the price of fuel than anything else I think. Good if you are trying to sell a 12 year old Starlet bad if its a V8 commodore. Though when you compare the actual fuel cost over a year there is probably onlya couple of thou $ in it
Feb 2, 2:05pm
kazbanz and jcwholesale - you're kinda getting a little emotive about this. This is just economics. I disagreed with kazbanz' predictions last year (and I still do), but that doesn't mean I have some issue with him blah blah (this is starting to sound like parenting!). I simply disagree. Big deal.
The trouble is there is SO much going on at the moment that can and will effect values, it will be very tricky to pin point causal issues.
Feb 2, 2:10pm
correct me if i am wrong but is it not good to see our cars holding some value perhaps making it easier to trade and get into a better car rather than having no equity in a trade making doing a deal impossible
Feb 2, 2:12pm
who cares if car prices have gone up! if you owned a car before the prices went up, then in comparison is value should have risen too
Feb 2, 2:25pm
well not realy only if you know that you can ask more for it. Its not that the car is of more value its that there is more ,people needing cheap cars so you can ask more people to pay more and will more likely get more as one is bound to pay more.
Feb 2, 2:25pm
well not realy only if you know that you can ask more for it. Its not that the car is of more value its that there is more ,people needing cheap cars so you can ask more people to pay more and will more likely get more as one is bound to pay more. similar thing has happened to food prices especialy milk and meat. Its value is overpaid by huge amounts compaired to in 1996 where you could buy mince meat for 2 bux a kg and lamb for 4. to 8$ a kg
Feb 2, 2:38pm
nope -there yas ALWAYSbeen the market sector that has bought and will continue to buy in the 5-8k price bracket.-nothing has changed there
Feb 2, 2:40pm
Some dealers/ back yardersput the prices up at least a grand , but probably havent sold any . Ive been watching mazda premacys for about 6 months .They have all gone up but none of them are selling.
Feb 2, 2:42pm
Is it true that there are a lot more cars being imported for the uk !
Feb 2, 2:54pm
Im not getting emotive over this -if anything frustrated that the general public is just now starting to react and realise whats happening I never for a moment said thatindividual cars were going up in price That is and always will be utter rubbish. But what is true is that dealers cant GET the cheap cars to sell em
Feb 2, 3:00pm
could well be but rules still apply euro4 for diesel since 2008 i think dont flame me when i get the date wrong but euro 4 now also for any petrol car since 1.1.2012. plus all the rest frontalimpact law . reason for more uk import is because cars in japan have radiation and or are destroyed and there own demand is gone up so prices with it. but in uk they cant ask for more infact they are almost the lowest in whole europe. I can get a 150bhp tdi volkswagen for 2000 to 4000 quid 2003 model thats just about 8 grand nz or so but i cant bring it here as it is euro3 emission. But plenty other cheap ones to be had just use google.
Feb 2, 3:11pm
We also purchased a brand new car in europe for 11.000$nzit is euro5 emission 3 year factory warrnty but its left hand drive or i would start selling them here it is also super economical 5.8 liter unleaded petrol 95 octane it used its a dacia sandero 1.2 liter engine doing 120kph up any steep motorway no problem be the ultimative car for nz as we only have 100kph limmit an that does 120 on any slope i know that as i done 4000km with that in 3 months
Feb 2, 3:12pm
I heard that from a guy who is in the know down here,has anyone seen the new CAR GIANT yard in Lower Hutt ! Man that is a lot of cars.
Feb 2, 3:20pm
there is only one problem with uk imports and that is rust from below. my tipo fiat is ex uk and is galvanised but i welded at least 1m2 meter of sheet metal to its undercarrige due to corrosion. Thats what to look out for on uk imports cars ,in germany and switzerland most get exported once they reach 10 years as that is when most start to get expensive corrosion issues. And its why we purchased a brand new car. Makes no sense to pay 3 grand for a 14 year old car and then after 2 years it needs another inspection and 4 grand worth of welding thats 7 grand gone in 3 years for a old heap when only a few more grand you get a factory new car with all its components new.
Feb 2, 3:28pm
sadly here in nz there is no good cheap cars the only one that comes close is a suzuki alto and that is to small a car for real use and its price is also higher . them chinese gelee or what ever seem to lock ok but its fuelconsumption dont adds up plus god knows what engine they fitted and how well it will hold up in a crash and if you can get parts or not. Next one up is holden berina also almost to small and expensive for what it is with to mutch crap that can brake added on to it.
Feb 2, 4:23pm
Feeling down today intrade ! Come on its the long weekend,weve got ww3 to look forward to at Waitangi yet,or is that Whaitangi !
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