How to stick down car trim.

sue193, Feb 2, 9:37pm
Hi could someone please tell me the best way to stick this down. I've bought a car and a bit of the trim has popped up. The man I bought it off said that he had stuck it down several times with something he got for the job but it kept popping up after a while. Whatever he used was black and lumpy looking so I would probably have to remove the remains of that as well. Thanks Sue

unbeatabull, Feb 2, 9:38pm

sue193, Feb 2, 9:39pm
Where can I buy that from!

intrade, Feb 2, 9:43pm
are we talking on windscreen frame trim or what'

the-lada-dude, Feb 2, 9:44pm
you would be hard pushed to go past a nail & hammer

unbeatabull, Feb 2, 9:48pm
Anything exterior we use Urethane at work, it takes a bit of time to set but once its set that's it. It can be a little messy and doesn't come off once set so make sure you wipe any excess off before it sets.

Interior, we usually use Double sided tape or Q-Bond/Loctite Super Glue. All should be able to be purchased from Supercheap, Repco etc

sue193, Feb 2, 9:49pm
i mean the silver trim that goes around the outside of the car. Haha lada man that's probably what my husband would expect me to use but no I'm going to get great advice off TM and fix it "properly"

sue193, Feb 2, 9:50pm
Thanks unbeatabull

the-lada-dude, Feb 2, 9:53pm
hey sue 193,
works on the ol lada !mind you, you have to smack the shit outa the nails because the steel is pretty thick on these cars.

pup2, Feb 2, 10:38pm
lol must be the top end Lada to have trim on it

the-lada-dude, Feb 3, 12:38am
chrome grill,

i-n-horz, Feb 3, 11:28am
OP,there's a tape you can buy which is like a double sided thin foam.peel one side stick it to the back side of the trim then trim off excess,when done peel off the protective film and stick'er down.
Probably need to clean off the old adhesive first though.

kokako14, Feb 3, 11:30am
Thats the model with the heated rear window isn't it, to keep your hands warm when you push it home on a cold night!

thewomble1, Dec 5, 5:54am
plastic nails if you don't want to see the nails.