Hi, I have a huge issue with spiders creating webs all over the outside of my car, mirrors, boot etc.what can i use that wont damage the paint work etc!
Feb 4, 8:18pm
Fly spray in the gaps etc!
Feb 4, 8:19pm
yeah, leaves a residue on mirrors/paint and they still come back.
Feb 4, 8:22pm
Waterblaster maybe!
Feb 4, 8:26pm
Steam cleaner, Get some heat in there
Feb 4, 8:31pm
Fly spray and use a CRC extender nozzle to direct spray in behind.works a treat.
Feb 4, 8:35pm
get a spray called " Miss Muffet`s Revenge " ( Wet & Forget Shop), it works a treat, we do it all the time with company vehicles, no stains.
Feb 4, 8:39pm
You need to get rid of the spider lol.We have one in each wing mirror and everyday we clear the web it rebuilds it overnight lol.It must get very annoyed at us for constantly destroying its webs.
Feb 4, 8:42pm
Had to do it yesterday. Catch a fly and throw it in the web. When the spider appears, spray it with fly spray. Easy.
Feb 4, 8:43pm
I wrap a plastic bag around the wing mirror and gas him with fly spray then tie the bag up
Feb 4, 9:30pm
As above a product like mis muffet or any spider/bug killer stuff you spray around the house you can spray on the car where the webs get. I use Ripcord and it works great. Dont get webs for months after. And do ya house to it really works
Feb 4, 9:50pm
Easy. install a spider that hunts and eats other spiders! A white tailed spider would be perfect for the job
Feb 4, 9:59pm
I love this idea never thought of it before . I do hose blast in then pour boiling water after and then blast again = works for up to 6 months provided another spider doesn't po its nest in there after !
Feb 4, 11:10pm
If it works a treat why would you have to do it all all the time. Take the car to NZ Agriculture Dept and get them to fumigate the car.
Feb 4, 11:18pm
unfortunately nature has a way - it is called another spider crawls in there lol
Feb 5, 2:20am
Use some contact fly and bug spray which has a 30 day contact killing time, spider has to come out at some stage right, it steps on the contact killer et voila .spider est mort ! Die schweinehund spinne ist tot .Ja!.
Feb 5, 4:17am
Mortein barrier outdoor - never fails!
Feb 5, 8:47pm
I have the same problems here with Spiders here in Upper Hutt - you clean your car and they are back in 3 days - Last few years spiders here are particular big and their is some unusual insects around i never seen anywhere esle in the country!- got told that Pilzar or the other US based chemical company based here buried radiative material somewhere in Upper Hutt but that they do not know where and apparently Upper Hutt Radiation in the soil is quite high compared to other areas maybe the Spiders are feeding of it.and getting bigger:. ye Gods) LOL
Feb 5, 10:00pm
Trouble is the buggers lay eggsso they keep commingback . I have given up on my disco afterbug spays .I just brush the webbs offwhen i use it . Only takes them 24 hours tomake a new 1.Could try" rip cord "but its nasty stuffdont want to get any on your hands .
Feb 6, 1:55am
Kiwicare product called "No more spiders" Find it at most hardware stores.
Spray it on the webs and walk away. Spiders will be tits-up on the ground the next day. And they don't re-inhabit for a long time.
Feb 6, 2:13am
Im not dead.yet. Bit unwell lol but far from dead. I wouldnt recommend spraying around door handles etc but around mirrors, grills, gaurds etc etc it works well.
Feb 6, 3:42am
Because we have 9842 cars, you halfwit
Feb 6, 3:42am
Because we have 9842 cars
Feb 6, 4:29am
+1 It works for me.It also pays to rinse with water or carwash stuff and wipe off any overspray that might leak out.
Feb 6, 11:42pm
find out where the insects are and spray them,i find that spiders come out at night and you can see them then,my car transporter gets them every where so i try to keep on killing the blitters.
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