I've got me a little project which revolves around a mini engine, and I've been trying to get the thing running. Now I have 2 switches, a on/off switch for the ignition relay, and a momentary switch for the starter. The momentary is fine - the starter is winding over nicely but I'm not hearing anything from the solenoid so I think it's not switching, therefore I'm not getting spark. There used to be an ignition barrel which I've removed, but I'm having a little trouble figuring out which wire goes where. It also doesn't help that the wires have been taped down the entire length and the colour seems to change from one end to the other. So I think I have one which is constant power, which I have on one end of the momentary, and one leading to the starter relay, which is at the other end of the momentary, and I have a 3rd which I believe should be the switch wire for the other side of the ignition relay, and have put that on one side of the 2 pole switch with the constant power on the other side.is this sounding about right! Or am I way off!
Feb 7, 6:41pm
Actually the more I think about it, the more I think I need to just pull out the existing wiring and start again, run a +ve straight off the battery to my switch, to one side of the relay, and the other side of it straight to ground, Same for the starter.
Feb 7, 6:58pm
Ok, so as it turns out, I'm way off the track. I know how where I need to wire the starter switch to, but where the hell do I wire the ignition switch to!
Feb 7, 7:33pm
The ignition switch should go to the positive side of the coil, then the negative side of the coil goes to the points in the dizzy, there should be a terminal on the outside of the dizzy for this.
That is all you will need. power for spark, engine earthed and a momentary supply to the starter solenoid and of course the heavy wiring for the starter itself.
Feb 7, 7:35pm
If you are wanting to keep it dead simple, just have a fused supply to an on/off switch, then when switch is turned on it allows power to go straight to the positive side of the coil.
What is this project you are working on!
Feb 7, 7:40pm
"I'm not hearing anything from the solenoid so I think it's not switching, therefore I'm not getting spark." This doesn't make sense. If you're talking about the starter solenoid, it has nothing to do with spark. Is the engine turning over!
Feb 7, 7:43pm
here is a quick sketch which will get the engine running with bare minimum
the two unlabeled components on the left are the distributor and coil.
Feb 7, 8:10pm
Cheers guys. Sat and looked at it for a bit, pulled all the messy old wiring out and started from scratch. After a bit of winding the old girl finally came to life, and all seems to be good with the wiring now.
Feb 7, 8:14pm
It's an off-roader/buggy type thing I've acquired in a bit of a state. It's basically the front sub frame off a mini, put at the back with a roll-cage and a bit of a floor welded to the front of it. Something to keep me occupied for a while and work on my automotive and engineering skills (Construction is more my field of expertise). Now that I know it runs, I now need to pull the motor out and find out why the clutch is not engaging. Then it needs brakes. (Oh you dont need brakes, says the last owner, I always just used to drop it a gear and slide it sideways!)
Feb 7, 11:51pm
well the clutch problem seems to have resolved itself.it's been sitting that long that perhaps it just seized a bit. Just need brakes now and im set!
Feb 8, 12:52am
looks lie a battery powering a mufler through a solenoid with a switch activating the mufler the beer can and the icecream is in series with the beer can
Feb 8, 12:57am
icecream in series with a beer car.thats a recipe for disappointment right there
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