Electric bikes

lookin4ord, Feb 8, 2:44am
who else uses them for work! I do

tard_me1, Feb 8, 9:53am
your it by the sounds of it

lookin4ord, Feb 8, 5:05pm
yep :) and my fuel bill each week! $0 bloody love it

a.woodrow, Feb 8, 5:40pm
I'm planning on building my own

bob1088, Feb 9, 3:32am
use mine to go get a coffee or deliver my phamplets(! - near enough) - get some funny looks when on the footpath and beat cars just turned into road! - does 40kph for an hour or so.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 9, 3:59am
How many watts is the motor!

solarboy, Feb 9, 5:12am
I'm asking that too.My bike has a 200 watt motor and does about 23 kmph on the flat unassisted. Not sure about the range except that it's at least 35 km or so .Always the worry that if the battery dies too far from home I'll get some exercise!

lookin4ord, Feb 9, 5:24pm
40 kph it must be at least a kw! mine is about 250w and manages 24kph on the flat without pedaling

pauldw, Feb 9, 5:41pm
Plus all the costs of putting a Moped on the road.