Buying used car - comparing accelerator

esawers, Feb 12, 12:33am
looked at 2 cars today, same specs except one had 4wd.
the 4wd one had a stiffer accelerator, felt really nice to drive
the other one the accelerator was alot looser and not as impressive feeling

is this a sign of something! can the accelerator be tightened to feel stiffer!

mugenb20b, Feb 12, 1:00am
No. It's just how they are. One might have a heavier spring, but who knows.
Oh, and what kind of car are we talking about!

esawers, Feb 12, 1:07am
05 caldina

owene, Feb 12, 3:48am
The 4WD will have a stiffer accelerator as the cable has to work on four instead of two weals.

pollymay, Feb 12, 7:12am
WAT! There is only one engine and throttle body!

thewomble1, Feb 12, 8:15am
Someone must have pinched them.

whqqsh, Feb 12, 10:42am

thunderbolt, Feb 12, 1:25pm
What the hell are weals!

kazbanz, Feb 12, 1:28pm
esawersthe way the throttle peddle itself feels should be nigh on identical between those two cars. How the car responds is something else again

owene, Feb 12, 2:05pm
One for each weal.

esawers, Feb 12, 5:06pm
thanks, decided against it after reading about the D4 engine! (2 minutes before the auction closed)

owene, Feb 12, 8:06pm
Wound fings what the vehicle wolls along the woad on.