whewee whata grey out--time for some cutting polish methinks bring em here and I'll throw my buff over em for ya
Feb 12, 5:34pm
Thanks for the offer but I want to put the colour on the bottom of the fairing (and the other body parts) and I've sanded out the YAMA.from the tailpeice to re undercoat it. I'll 2k clear the lot (that should help!)
Feb 12, 5:45pm
what i mean is a cut to bring the color back out before clearcoat
Feb 12, 5:50pm
Feb 12, 6:04pm
If you dust a bit of the basecoat over them it should go away, the weather's a bit better today. You shouldn't leave it that long between basecoat and clearcoat anyway, I think 12 hrs is the max recommended.
Feb 12, 6:15pm
12 hours!.oops- !
My window is normally between 5 min' & 72 hours lol.
Feb 12, 8:42pm
Oh, bugger. I didn't realise the time had passed so fast.my clock stopped.
Feb 12, 11:13pm
Can I recommend a clock repairer to you!
Feb 12, 11:20pm
If thats base coat its probably going to stay like that. as others have said just blow another coat on then clear. as far as Im awhere you should put clear on within about 12 hours but after that as long as you blow a coat over it your back to square one again. And it must have bloody cold. You didnt apply it to wet did you! Use ya wifes hair dry to take chill off it then wave it over it between coats if its that cold.
Feb 13, 12:27am
Thanks. Thinking about it now - I don't think it was the cold, more like the grey clouds that became rain in an hour or so.
Feb 13, 12:32am
Humidity isnt an issue down my way but can play havoc I understand. Was it humid! And what kinda paint/brand we talking about!
Feb 13, 12:43am
GH --humidity is a big problem up here. It causes that exact grey effect but normally a cut back sorts it
Feb 13, 12:46am
OK, if its a solid that may well work but metellic/pearls etc is a bit different. hard to tell in pic. If its a solid a cut back with 1500 wet n dry would also do it then clear over it.
Feb 13, 6:24pm
Put the part in question in the sun and spray some thinners on it. Works every time.unless its under the clear-coat.35 yrs painting taught me something eh!
Feb 13, 6:50pm
Hmmm.good suggestion. It's a solid (I fear metallics!).
Feb 13, 10:37pm
Troggy for gosh sakes mate--bring it here and I'll sort it for ya
Feb 14, 1:51am
Thanks Kaz but I've basically done what you've said (sorry, my wife's account). I rubbed the top of the fairing with a clean rag and that came up as black as it needs to be so I can clear that. The tailpeice - I've sanded out the decal and will re undercoat it etc again.
Feb 14, 2:25am
I'm guessing you are using acrylic lacquer!
Acrylic or Polyester Basecoat won't bloom in the warm humidity like acrylic lacquer will.
The only time I have ever had basecoat bloom is during a winter storm at about 8'c when the booth heater wasn't working.
Was a big metallic red job that bloomed a nasty whitish-grey.
To fix it I sprayed slow 2k thinner over it carefully and continued the job waving a heat gun over it.
If it happens again, do as mentioned by singing1 and spray straight thinner over the bloom.
Feb 14, 2:28am
But he said he wiped it away witha clean rag. Go figure. Never been able to wipe bloom off with a rag before.
Feb 14, 2:39am
Yeah. It does sound kind of incredible LOL.
I haven't used acrylic lacquers to any major extent for many years. Thank God.
Feb 14, 2:44am
Yes if we have to thank god for anything its that they are no longer common place. I tried doing a touch up on a stang I painted when I was still useing good ol dulon about 5 years after id painted it and I had not used dulon since. do you think I could get it work lol.Alot of work they were.But in saying that ive seen some amazing jobs done in it all the same.
Feb 14, 8:35am
Hey guysI'm no spraypaintin expert .I can do a fair racebike paint job but I havent been painting for years like you guys. BUT I do liive close to troggy and know the weather on the weekend was very high humidity My touch up guy and I have both had thiswhite bloom happen and fixed it with a rub with wet n dry or a light rub with 1500/2000 grit paper. No sarcasm intended but it worked for us.
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