That all over car roded look

the-lada-dude, Feb 12, 6:35pm
on aluminium bits, esp when you open the bonnet and it all just looks yuck !
what do these car valet fella's wang on those nasty lookingbits, so it seems nearly new !and it's not elbow grease either !

rayzor14, Feb 12, 6:50pm
Generally it will be an acid based cleaner similar to a mag wheel cleaner.

rob_man, Feb 12, 8:55pm
I think dealer slime works once you've got it clean.

whqqsh, Feb 13, 10:35am
Ive seen those citrus based cleaners work well on alloy wheels, maybe they use the same stuff.

the-lada-dude, Feb 13, 5:39pm
dealer slime!nick name for silly c.t!

ta fellas

rob_man, Feb 13, 8:21pm
Yep, that's the stuff. Silicone sabotage sauce, the dealers best friend and the painters worst enemy.