Looking for a reliable car - Can anyone help?

ang212, Feb 13, 6:11pm
Help me out! Looking for a reliable car, low k's and easy on gas.
Any suggestions on where one could be purchased from!

toyboy3, Feb 13, 6:13pm
what colourdo you want

ang212, Feb 13, 6:16pm
Open to colour. Prefer a dealer if anyone knows a good one!

thejazzpianoma, Feb 13, 7:21pm
What is your price range! Auto/Manual and what size vehicle!

Just be aware the vast majority of modern cars are reliable. You will here a lot of nonsense from various people along the journey of car buying to say otherwise.

Reliability is also not just a function of the make/model. thats actually well down the list.Its a balance of km's on the clock, whether its been serviced properly (NOT just oil changes) and on time, what kind of use it has had i.e city or rural running and then very lastly the make and model. Be VERY wary of those that just try and sell you on a badge alone.

duke250, Feb 13, 7:51pm
Looking for reliability, buy a Jaguar X-type HA HA HA

inkapuka, Feb 13, 7:59pm
Lol geta Toyota spacio 98,97I .mt one had it for 8 months and no problems yet

inkapuka, Feb 13, 7:59pm
Lol geta Toyota spacio 98,97Igotone had it for 8 months and no problems yet and it done 220thou kms

kazbanz, Feb 13, 10:23pm
what sort of car are you looking for ang! It would help if we knew what budget you are working with and what sort of thing takes your fancy

ringo2, Feb 13, 11:00pm
: "Be VERY wary of those that just try and sell you on a badge alone." Particularly if it is a European car.