so dear compared to there size to car one / you are paying the same price for a bike bat thats smaller than a packet of icecream .
Feb 13, 11:35pm
I agree and await a good explanation.
Feb 13, 11:37pm
Cause ya cant fit a car battery on most motorcycles lol.And ya get sick of kick starting or bump starting them. If ya need it ya pay for it.But who really knows. And a reasonable battery is only $80. Car battery of same price isnt useually up to much.
Feb 13, 11:54pm
Production numbers!
Feb 13, 11:57pm
One reason is bike battery's often have better internals designed so not to suffer from viberation and also to be leak proof in the event of upending. My battery in the Z actually lays down flat.
Feb 13, 11:59pm
supply and demand! more cars on the road!
Feb 14, 6:11pm
This one - most places that stock car batteries will keep half a dozen different types, and these will fit 90% of the cars on the road. There are too many motorcycle battery types, and even a motorcycle shop will only keep the fast moving ones in stock. The more you sell, the cheaper they are - works for everything.
Feb 14, 6:14pm
Are bike batteries 12v or 6v!
trying to package most (if not all) of the same stuff into an outer casing that has only 1/8th the volume of a car battery is going to cost something.
Feb 14, 6:25pm
Both 6 and 12v. Most of the modern stuff is 12v though
Feb 14, 6:44pm
I just put a battery disconnect switch on my bike to make the batteries not slowly drain. something was draining them if i left my bike for 3 weeks. maybe this is a good option for you if you are going through them as well.
Feb 14, 8:40pm
I simply fit a DC flush mount socket on the bike through the side panel hardwired to the battery through a fuse and plug a 900mA charge & maintain charger any time it's not in use.
Feb 14, 8:42pm
Because bike batteries are smaller than car batteries means the technology required to make them is more involved.(As in post #8) They aren't usually more expensive though! I paid about $100 for my last bike battery.
Feb 14, 9:02pm
They're considerably smaller CCA though. So there's no more technology. 16Ah is a pretty big bike battery.
The cost is because of demand.
Feb 14, 10:08pm
may be they are gel cell, dont get a mobility scooter
Feb 14, 10:53pm
I've gone for a ctek route for both my ute and bike. The charger comes with a plug to hardwire to the battery and it maintains the battery rather than just charging it.
I recently bought a new battery for the CB 250 $80.00 came with different size platforms to suit whatever size battery box.dry cell and supposedly holds a full charge for at least 8-9 months without the need for a charge up.
Feb 15, 4:34pm
As does any charge & maintain battery charger, like the one I use.
CTek are overpriced and over-hyped and when I looked at them looked pretty poorly made. I use Projecta. I have a mate who has had his boat battery on the bulkhead mount 1600mA one for 8 years straight and it load tested perfect last year. Same with my 7 year old 85Ah deep cycle for the boat.
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