Wonder if it was stolen.

duke250, Feb 28, 12:17am
I was checking my oil under my bonnet by repco when this young guy came up to me (looked like a junky) and asked if I want to buy subs or amps. I was thinking it was quite weird to ask someone on the streets. I replied "no thanks", then he asked if I knew anyone who wanted to buy one, I told him "I dont think so". Makes me wonder if he was trying to sell me stolen crap. Any one had any random people trying to sell you car parts!

thewomble1, Feb 28, 12:41am
I would think they were stolen.

pollymay, Feb 28, 12:46am
Yep, at a gas station some guys in a van came up to me with about 3k in home theater equipment/tv in the back and asked if I wanted it for $400. Looked busted, had sores kinda like you get with meth usage.

andrea_w, Feb 28, 12:53am
Where did this happen!
Had the exact same thing happen, but while waiting at a set of traffic lights. Tried to sell us a van load of very dodgy looking home theater gear. They even told us there was an error in paperwork so their boss won't know it's missing.
This happened at the intersection where Harris Rd meets Ti Rakau Dr - they tried to get us to go to the BP(!) station on the corner.
Probably should have. and called the cops.

pollymay, Feb 28, 12:56am
This was in pukekohe at the caltex station. I've reported similar incidences but the police brush it off as "can't prove anything". Well if you can't be bothered then what's the point of me standing here reporting it! Could be out there robbing homes making bank!

andrea_w, Feb 28, 1:04am
"can't prove anything" wtf sort of excuse is that!!
Isn't that what the police are supposed to do. look at evidence to prove or disprove something (in a very simplified version lol).

pup2, Feb 28, 1:30am
Jazz is going to love this thread. I know of one case when they had the perps on video assaulting someone, went to the cops with it. Cops said they were "To Busy To Deal With Small Crime". WTF. The media loved it

thunderbolt, Feb 28, 1:39am
This particular story is happening around AKL at present.
Last one i heard of the gear was not stolen, but gear is poor quailtyand being sold for more than it is worth, but well under the 3k they suggest is the retail cost of the gear.

mantagsi, Feb 28, 2:52am
This sort of carry-on has been happening for years, it is damned annoying, especially when it happens not long after being robbed, you kinda feel like the piss is being taken. Whats really a bit of a worry is the meth issues these last few years, if you say no to their careful sales pitch they tend to react a bit unpredictably. Shitheads everywhere these days

un_known, Feb 28, 3:03am
Guy tried to sell me some meth while i was getting gas early one morning.
Funny he misinterpreted everything i said.

treachug, Feb 28, 3:18am
Happened down here in Chch before christmas - aussies in fluoro polar fleeces on a 22 deg day! I googled it as it looked & sounded odd.well known scam called white van scam from memory. Cheap assed gear, looks flash & up with bose etc but its no where near it. They show you a magazine advert, oddly enough have just sold a grands worth of gear up the road & show you the cash.its a scam, stay well clear of it.

pollymay, Feb 28, 3:21am
since we are on drug heads I have a weird story. Back when we used to go to meremere dirt track we went through pokono. Had a good day, stopped to get icecream. Parked up the cars and trailers etc in a gravel stop on the side of the road near the icecream places.

My friend and I go to get icecream with some other guys, my dad stayed with the 2 tow cars and racecars. After a couple minutes he hears "you're stupid gary!" from nearby, steps out from beside the building he was leaning on and there is some dope that has been huffing paint bent over ready to tag the side of one of the racecars. Just runs off when he sees my dad step out. They had been parked up for about 5 minutes and already some moron thinks "hey, I can tag the side of that car bro"

we're talking real rocket scientists here people. I'm afraid of what they will come up with next.it's bound to be well thought out and executed with forward planning.

duke250, Feb 28, 2:46pm
I found someone to do some work on a car I had. He advertised on trade me. My car was found to have a terminal problem so he gave me 3 choices. 1. Is that it can be repaired for more then what the cars worth. 2. I can drive the car till it dies. 3. He can find me a car just like it in perfect working order for $500 and he will transfer the plates and weld the VIN number from my original car.

bashfulbro, Feb 28, 8:06pm
Pollymay.where is the Caltex in Pukekohe !.i have to go out to BombayCaltex, i`ve never seen a Caltex SS in Puke.

pollymay, Feb 28, 8:35pm
Sorry, I think it's challenge now. I've only had about 6 years or something to get used to that, bit slow lol