Stolen camaro thread gone?

jason18, Feb 27, 12:31am
I got a warning for posting my phone number on it! Man who is the complainers on this board.Someones pride and joy has been stolen and you complain! Thats weak

paulap, Feb 27, 12:38am
It is pretty piss poor.

morrisman1, Feb 27, 12:45am
I got an email about linking to a certain site to get top gear off. I think they are having a 'clean out'

Thats a real low blow, whoever actioned the thread being removed you should be ashamed of yourself.

monaro_xxx, Feb 27, 9:27pm
i dont know why ANYONE would want to complain about someone trying to get their stolen car back!

tgray, Feb 27, 9:54pm
maybe no one complained, but trademe felt it breached their terms and conditions.

lookoutas, Feb 27, 11:21pm
You might find that a phone number/web link/email address is an automatic computerised nuke.

johnf_456, Feb 28, 12:19am
Based on the fact the OP here mentioned phone number was posted, that would be why it was removed. As per post 6. Have a read: