Not motoring but what would you regulars do?

kazbanz, Mar 2, 3:51pm
um actually--NO we can't see the question till you respond

trogedon, Mar 2, 3:55pm
Dang - will fix that now.
"hey mate wat is ur address just wana cum and view this watch and have got sum watch for repair! 021026#(&21 babygirl85 (11 )8:24 am, Sat 3 Mar"

robinm1, Mar 2, 3:58pm
I would have nothing to do with that one!

desmodave, Mar 2, 4:15pm
A $36 question.Not worth the stress is it.On your services add do you know what the bike is ! Was thinking Paul Smart may be .

ema1, Mar 2, 4:22pm
Tick tick tick.( !). Side step it like the plague.

zak410, Mar 2, 4:26pm
130mm glass !
BIG watch is it !

fordkiwi27, Mar 2, 4:28pm
um run (or bike) troggy.

trogedon, Mar 2, 4:40pm
Good spotting! Updated.

trogedon, Mar 2, 4:45pm
Paul Smart's Ducati fairing looks different where it goes under the tank (I think). Cool photo imho. There is more $ in doing repair than just selling that. I often find people get one watch done and come back with another one.

friendly_prawn, Mar 2, 4:48pm
I would just blacklist.
Problem solved.

gorgie14b, Mar 3, 12:13am
Mind you, the only answer you could have given is no. It is against trademe rules, specifically clause 4.1 d to give out your contact details during an auction.
Personally, I'd run a mile from a trader with that feedback history, and that one's already made it to my blacklist.

ema1, Mar 3, 12:35am
With a feedback record like that questioner has troggie, I wonder how do they even have the gall to ask questions is beyond me!
Tick tick tick"Avoid like the plague" as in thinking blacklisting is the only way to sort that out.
Good one troggie.

modie61, Mar 3, 12:44am
Hard to understand how they are still allowed to trade on here.
Well answered trog, by the way

fordcrzy, Mar 3, 12:52am
how has trademe even kept this guys account active! you get banned for saying naughty words yet rip everyone off and muck them around and thats ok

trogedon, Mar 3, 12:55am
You guys are right re the Feedback. Imagine if you had a customer who paid 1/2 of the time or mucked you around that much! There'd be no welcome mat out for them.

whqqsh, Mar 3, 12:56am

clark20, Mar 3, 2:32am
Re trogs email addy, didn't there used to be an orange roughy post on here many years ago!