Purchased a car from TM .

blt10, Mar 4, 2:47am
We recently bought a car from TM and came in to hit the buy now but ithad been removed by the sellerwhilst on our journey home seeing's we agreed to buy after test driving. And a few things needed work done before we could take possession of it
He's since closed the tm account & moved to Oz & I'm annoyed a good fb is not possible seeing's we paid a pretty packet for it & no doubt he/ she paid no success fee.

jasongroves, Mar 4, 2:53am
So, whats the issue!
Sorry, Im a little confused.

trade_to_you, Mar 4, 2:53am
You paid for a car and have it or don't have it, sorry, I don't follow you.

jasongroves, Mar 4, 2:54am
Do you have the car!

jmma, Mar 4, 2:56am
They want a good feedback from the seller, had to many bad ones lately (o:

andrea_w, Mar 4, 3:01am
You're worried about feedback.
Is that it, seriously!!

dvince, Mar 4, 3:01am
I had to read that twice.
Translation: I bought a car on trademe and the seller didn't post any feed back after the trade was complete. The seller now resides in Australia.