Pinging sound coming from under the car.

loulou104, Mar 27, 4:37pm
Does anyone know what this is! When i turn the car off i can hear a noise like stones pinging against metal.

hamishcookie, Mar 27, 4:43pm
Exhaust cooling and contracting, do you give your car a good thrashing!

littlebob7, Mar 27, 4:44pm
exhaust cooling down

tonyrockyhorror, Mar 27, 5:44pm
As they said. Perhaps a partly blocked exhaust is to blame.

hopie, Mar 27, 6:05pm
is it turbo, moreso a cheap one like a DSR or similar!. I had one on my primera and it did that.

loulou104, Mar 27, 6:12pm
No i don't give my car a good thrashing lol i ferry my kids around in it.

holden786, Mar 27, 6:46pm
Get your catalyc converter checked.

saxman99, Mar 27, 7:14pm
You have run over a submarine.

jmma, Mar 28, 1:45am
Previa's always do that (o: