Classic car enthusiasts

jim75, Apr 18, 3:36pm
Hi I am rebuilding my classic 1968 3.3 victor and am keen to make contact with other classic enthusiasts in Hamilton. I am strictly amateur and looking for guys happy to share knowledge I have transplanted exhaust, manifold and carbs from donor car, renovated brakes .still plenty to do.

julian.walls, Apr 18, 5:53pm
Was this car an Orginal Vauxhall Victor FD 3300SL - this was a special model available in 4 door sedan and wagon mainly made for export markets like ours -all the 3.3 models from what I understand were English Assembled and in the 70s one had to have some of the money to buy new; overseas funds in a bank to pay for it - Great to hear one has survived :)

Recently I spoke to a guy who is wanting to produce a FD sedan to a coupe conversion and model it on 'Big Red' that was featured in April 2012 NZV8 see carmagreviews website for details

frd1, Apr 18, 8:25pm
I'm sure I saw 3.3 Victors being assembled at Trentham when I was much younger. Great cars.

julian.walls, Apr 20, 4:17am
Yeh I think now you right- the saloons 3.3SLs were assembled here but the initial batch may have come from Britain - I know that all the FD Estates which include 3.3SL were English Assembled!

a Friend of mine now retired from General Motors -Job was main guy to work out how to CKD a built up a carand design the tooling (note he was not mentioned in Webbos book -Webbo problem was a/ it was a rushed job and b/ he interviewed people too high in the food chain who were not at coal face on the shop floor or too low in food chain just put out the tea for the engineering stuff and were not party to the secret stuff most of it happening in the weekends away from the bean counters.)My fiend in now in his 80s - he still around here in the Hutt Valley and one few members of American SAE - in 1975 - 1 week before the offical announcement of the Chevette hatch in the UKat the Earls Court Motor Show- He showed me a yellow 3 door hatch at General Motors one weekend that he was working out how to CKD!It would not surprise me if he was involved with CKD of FD Victor- Pity we never got the FE

jim75, Apr 24, 2:44pm
Yeah 3.3 SL

bwg11, Apr 24, 8:11pm
Weren't a bad car in their day. I have not researched, but recollect Benson & Hedges successes and were used by the then Ministry of Transport as Patrol Cars.