Low kilometers or newer car?

silverhatchet, Apr 18, 4:29pm
In a 1.5 Toyota ! Anybody!

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 18, 4:42pm
Low kms.

curlcrown, Apr 18, 6:04pm
Newer car every time. Speaking from practicl experiance.

bellky, Apr 18, 6:09pm
Practical. Experience.

trdbzr, Apr 18, 6:22pm
Whichever is cheaper will be the better option. Unless the newer one is a newer/facelift model.

bellky, Apr 18, 6:24pm
Give us the links.

edangus, Apr 18, 7:55pm
Service History and Inspection.

silverhatchet, Apr 19, 4:42am
The cars in question are both Toyota Ist 2002 29,000 ks or 2005 77,00 ks

a.woodrow, Apr 19, 4:51am
Go newer if the price is right. 50k isn't going to make any real difference

tigra, Apr 19, 5:19am
Newer will be better for resale later on.

kazbanz, Apr 19, 4:04pm
Silverhatchet the only person who can answer that question is YOU.
The two cars ARE mechanically identical so thats not a deciding factor.
In all honesty they should both be mechanically sound for many years so againthats not really a factor.
Asssuming the two cars are the same price of course
If you are a person who does a lot of miles every year then the lower milage car may be better.but if doing low k's then definitely the newer car is better

richardmayes, Apr 19, 4:31pm
I'm going to go against the flow and say that in my experience, good condition and low mileage count for FAR more than date of manufacture in a used car.

These two you are considering appear to be exactly the same car, and there is only a paltry 3 years' difference in their ages.

Overwhelmingly the MAIN difference between the two cars is that one of them has travelled 50,000kms less than the other one.That's a LOT of driving you would get to do in a NEARLY NEW car, before you have even caught up to the ks already clocked by that other example (which itself is a fairly low-mileage car.)

I don't think you will go far wrong either way.
But if I were you I would DEFINITELY buy the 29,000 km one, unless I could find several very strong reasons why the higher-kms one is actually a better car. (i.e. too expensive, obvious wear & tear, crash damage, rust, etc)