In China: That's How you Transport Pickups!

zak410, May 14, 4:47am

serf407, May 14, 1:06pm
The BMW M 5 crash is more impressive. Will the ecu etc definitevely show the car's speed was 300 kmh immediately prior to the crash !

saxman99, May 14, 2:11pm
If that crash had happened in NZ they'd be blaming the M5 driver for it. Because its in Germany, where they have actual driver training, they are (correctly) blaming the guy that pulled in front of him without looking.

wasser61, May 14, 5:52pm
Sorry to deflate your statement but the BMW driver will be at fault, as the other car was quote " entering the highway in front of him " which is a legal thing for the other car to do. it doesn't mention that the other car pulled out in front of him.
And if you have been on the Autobahn you will understand that you have plenty of time to see cars entering from the on-ramps.

saxman99, May 14, 7:05pm
Hmm.OK, that's not how I read it but that could be true.However, I think it is unlikely that the M5 was in the "slow" lane at that speed because the drivers generally don't do that.It says he hit the rail trying to avoid which I reckon means he was in the "Fast" lane; ergo the driver entering has crossed three lanes quickly without checking for traffic.

Also, why did the entering driver "Flee the scene!"

However, in the end I accept that I don't know coz I wasn't there.

robotnik, May 14, 7:14pm
BMWs are typically limited to 250km/h. To be doing 300km/h that driver must have modified his car to remove the limiter, possibly voiding his warranty.

mugenb20b, May 14, 7:22pm
So what's the problem exactly.!

wasser61, May 14, 7:32pm
Yes I also wondered about that "fleeing the scene". So all we can do is assume.

saxman99, May 14, 7:48pm
This is true for the standard F10 M5.However, if it was a "Driver's Package" M5 then the limiter is raised to 305km/h.

saxman99, May 14, 7:56pm
The car doesn't really look like it rolled at 300, the damage isn't *that* epic. I like how the headlight still works. If indeed he was doing 300 before the crash I think he might have wiped quite a few k's off before losing it.

pauldw, May 14, 8:16pm
The only thing known for certain is that a BMW driver crashed. The "other car" could be his excuse unless there are independent witnesses. .

robotnik, May 14, 8:53pm
Yes you are right and what's worse the package is available for order on NZ model cars as well. For the previous model M5 that package was not available in NZ or the UK for that matter, only Europe.

a18a, May 14, 9:24pm
lol thread derailed from 1st reply

rsr72, May 14, 9:43pm
-More.a family autobahn race, sons in the M6 and M3.

saxman99, May 14, 10:48pm
Plenty of cars available in NZ stock standard off the lot capable of that speed.

robotnik, May 14, 11:00pm
Plenty of stock standard cars off the lot capable of 305km/h! You must be kidding.

saxman99, May 14, 11:54pm
Aston Martin
.and probably others

all make or have made production cars which will achieve this in stock standard form, available now at your friendly local dealer.

mgmad, May 15, 4:45am
In some sections, in others the slid roads are shorter and can often be hidden behind hedges/sound barriers etc. That said, the M5 driver will probably find he is in at least a bit of grief, any accident involving a driver doing over 130 km/h then they are held to be at least partially at fault. Even though there is no speed limit for significant tracts of the autobahn, you are still supposed to drive sensibly - ie not doing 300 km/h near an on ramp/junction etc.