Car covers

geedubu, May 11, 5:43am
I am stuck with having to leave a valuable car (to me) outdoors due to having a garage that is too small/short.Any advice on excellent car covers!

geedubu, May 11, 7:15am
!Any ideas folks!

deviant.s, May 11, 4:51pm
Car port!

poppajn, May 11, 5:28pm
My neighbour has a tunnel house type of shed, looks like plastic pipe frame and clear polythene over it, look,s quite cheap to consruct, but very effective.

aragorn2003, May 11, 5:31pm
could use one of those party tents/pergola(sp!) from the warehouse with the sides rolled down

skittles93, May 11, 5:42pm
yeah you can buy portable carports! pretty sure there are a few on here.