Missing car thread.

nightboss, May 8, 6:11am
Ok, with so many threads being hijacked by those wanting to talk about everything except what the OP is asking I offer this thread for discussion on everything and nothing.

3 simple rules:

1; no swearing.
2; no breaking TM board rules.
3; every post must have one word associated to motoring.

Yes you can say whatever you want about me, I don't give a Ford as long as you keep to the three rules.

Be prepared, you may not like replies, tough.

a.woodrow, May 8, 6:16am
Ok sounds good. So anyway, your mate with the cookie cutter spare, did the insurance say that contributed to accident! Seems to me like a largely untested situation - on one hand car wouldn't pass a wof, on the other, you're fitting the factory supplied spare wheel so that shouldn't void insurance.

nightboss, May 8, 6:23am
Will have to get more details from him when next at work, he will need to provide a translator as I don't speak the language of that island.

What was with the tag team that swapped their car for the Holden HZ!
Ask a question then tantram if answer not to their liking.

a.woodrow, May 8, 6:26am
I know. thread mark 2 is already running. wonder if they will get the idea that you can't put a dollar figure on certain types of cars, particulary when you want an appraisal unseen.

nightboss, May 8, 6:29am
I gave a very accurate valuation on second thread. How long before nana sights the s word in header.

a.woodrow, May 8, 6:32am
Aye. I would actually pay money to know who the motoring nark is - though I have my suspicions.

nightboss, May 8, 6:43am
I think I know too, what can we do to out him/her/it!

a.woodrow, May 8, 6:46am
Just have to keep goading them till they out themselves and get ostracized by the regulars I guess. I don't think they are dumb enough to get themselves banned. I reckon you and I are thinking about the same person too, but I won't mention names

nightboss, May 8, 7:02am
Or numbers.

nightboss, May 8, 7:35am
Were your ears burning! Just kidding, welcome.

bellky, May 8, 4:44pm
When I nark I tell them (usually). I don't do sneaky narking. Just saying.

saxman99, May 8, 4:51pm
My neighbour once told me his car was missing.I suggested he check the basics first - HT leads, plugs, dizzy etc.

He looked at me like I was from Mars and said "No, I mean it's not where I parked it!"

nightboss, May 8, 7:34pm
Reminds me of a teacher I had.
Lived near school, drove his car to school, walked home for lunch noticed no car in driveway so called police. Was very embarrased when he got back from lunch to see his car at school. RIP Chalky.