Auto rolls backwards

tradingfreak360, Jun 25, 3:40am
I have a 2002 Honda Torneo automatic and when I come to a stop even on slight inclines it starts rolls backwards as if it is is Neutral when I take my foot of the brake. I have never owned an auto that does that and my question is what is causing it to roll backwards and would it be a major to fix!

pollymay, Jun 25, 4:31am
Park pin might of been broken off if it just keeps rolling for ages. Could be easy or could of taken a chunk out of the housing meaning it's a major.

rob_man, Jun 25, 5:00am
I'm assuming the car is still in drive when this happens, usually the engine and torque converter engage slightly at idle and create resistance to backwards movement.
Is the motor idling at the correct RPM!
Is the transmission fluid low!
Do those Hondas normally do this!

sred69, Jun 25, 5:02am
could be normal, quite a few auto's will roll backwards if in "D" at idle and a slight incline.

tradingfreak360, Jun 25, 5:41am
Yea car is in 'D' when this happens. I think it idles slightly lower than it should in 'D'. Trans fluid level is fine, the car had a fluid change using Honda ATF about a month ago but completely forgot to mention the roll back issue.

pandai, Jun 25, 7:34am
Two automatic Hondas in this driveway, neither roll back that easily on a slight incline.Big hill would be another story.However they are the 5-speed auto's matched to the 3L v6 and 2.4L I4 engines, I'm not sure how your four-speed box would compare.

kevymtnz, Jun 25, 9:35am
idle to low maybe wouldnt hurt to put up a bit if it feels better 500-650 would be a good range to work from

pollymay, Jun 25, 9:50am
Oh I misread I thought he said rolls back in park, well I'm stupid.

tradingfreak360, Jun 25, 10:23pm
Thanks for the replies guys, if idle speed in "Drive" should be 500-650 then thats about what it is at the moment. So I think it might be normal for these cars to have some roll back. It doesn't roll backwards on the flat just on a "slight incline" lol, guess I'll just have to get used to it.

One more question, I'm looking to upgrade this car later this year or early next year, what sort of money should I be able to get for it! (02 Torneo 2L VTEC). Overall car is good condition inside and out, kms on the clock at this stage is 92,000 but would be closer to 100,000 when the time comes to sell. Would it be much easier to sell if I got the cambelt job done or should I sell it as is!

snoopy221, Aug 20, 1:46pm
Not lookin at starry pics.
BUT. if ya done 92 k's and ya RECOMENDED cambelt-(OR ENGINE DUE TO FAILED CAMBELT)
replacement IS 100'000
Why not do it NOW and show any prospective buyer that you LOOK AFTER IT!