How much is my car worth?

barrie2, May 21, 12:48am
Want to sell my 2000 Ford Laser GLXi 1.8 Man, 147k Good condition (wife owned it last 10 1/2 years). In Rotovegas we have "Rangi's Motors"- a free council approved piece of land where a lot of sales take place. Would appreciate a quick, clean sale so really interested in a fair price. Cheers.

rjgmjs, May 21, 1:13am
Rangi's Motors !

yogibearz, May 21, 2:13am
Its worth as much as you can get someone to pay for it.I would be guided by what you see on here and yes i would use Rangis. It worked for me when I lived in vegas.

poppajn, May 21, 3:36am
Rangi,s MotorsLOL, Well done

tgray, May 21, 3:50am
$4000 - $4500
Price depends on your time frame and how quick you want to sell it.

phillip.weston, May 21, 4:07am
I sold a 1999 Laser GLXi 1.6 auto sedan with 220km on the clock tidy in white for about $3000 (fiatracer would correct me if I'm wrong). I would say it's about $4000.

barrie2, May 26, 11:54pm
Thanks guys - got $4500 (asked $4750) - all happy.

n1smo_gtir, May 27, 12:19am
was the iwi member stoked! $250 seems a fair discount for tribal members.