What is a fair price to sell our car for?

station_girl, May 24, 8:58pm
We are looking to sell our car, had a look at similar cars on trademe, but prices seem to be all over the place. So thought i'd see if any of you wonderful people would be able to help me out.

Mitsubishi Legnum 1997
240k - Cambelt done at 220k
Alloy Wheels
Fresh wof
Clean/tidy interior
Good exterior - Some scratches/marks but only small ones. Nothing big or obvious.
No mechanical issues
Nice to drive
Good on petrol
Roof racks, stereo and tow bar.

Anyone able to give me a general (hard without looking at the car I no!) price I should be
listing her for! Considered $1 reserve, but i'm not a big fan of them - too nerve-racing

station_girl, May 24, 8:59pm
Should note - We will be putting her on trademe at some stage soon, this isn't a advertisement to sell her, just wanting to find out what she is worth approx. Don't want to waste anyones time putting up a price that is too high

sterid01, May 24, 9:03pm

station_girl, May 24, 9:11pm
Thanks sterid01

Anyone else with an opinion !

tgray, May 24, 9:13pm
Is is 1800cc or 2500cc!

station_girl, May 24, 9:19pm
Good question, its 1800cc, and very good on petrol. Can still tow reasonable loads. Although obviously doesn't have the same power as the 2500cc

phillip.weston, May 24, 9:33pm
being manual will be a plus but being the 1800cc GDI will be a con to most.

I would expect $2000-2500 and anything over would be a bonus.

station_girl, May 24, 9:43pm
thanks phillip.

foxdonut, May 24, 10:27pm
I'm with Philip on the estimate.

If the wheels are those ricey types you might be able to sell them separate for a couple more bucks and stick steel wheels on.