Car Chase Mission Bay

doublek, Jul 4, 3:34pm
The missus and I went to Mission Bay in Auckland on Saturday night. All lovely until we are walking back to the car and hear the sound of an engine going full tilt and a siren. Turn around to see the Police following a Mazda Familia through the main strip, towards a pedestrian crossing with an island in the middle. Mazda nails it through on the other side of the road and Police slow down, check and follow. By this stage, the Mazda is taking the blind right hand corner, still on the wrong side of the road. We get up to the Ped Crossing and get to the side of the road we need to be on. We then hear the sound of the siren coming back towards us. The guy in the Mazda must have turned around on Tamaki Drive and they were heading back in to Mission Bay. Saw the Mazda come back around the same blind corner, wrong side of the road again, and realise he had overcooked it. He spun the car around 180, just short of the ped crossing. Gunned the car and took off down a side street. The Police were about 30 seconds late, as they must have had to abandon the chase. They came in at 50 kmh with lights and siren off. Everyone was signalling to them about the side road that the guy had taken off down. The Police helicopter was out and we heard no more about it. The flagrant lack of respect for other people's lives - mandatory prison terms for anyone who does a runner from police.

doublek, Jul 4, 3:35pm
And the moral of the story is don't take the missus out, head out to the pub with the lads instead.

ninja_man, Jul 4, 4:33pm
yeap, things like this happen all of the time, and when they do get caught they get a pathetic sentence such as home detention or community service.

i-n-horz, Jul 4, 4:53pm
Slap'em in chains.crush the car.yep may not be their car but the owner sure than hell won't lend him another set of wheels or anyone else for that matter who knows of his offending.

compchick, Jul 4, 4:58pm
I don't know about crushing the car, if it's stolen that's a bit harsh.Maybe some agonising pain might be the go. may make them think twice next time.Home detention and the like doesn't seem to be working.

vivac, Jul 5, 12:13am
Home detention is a crock of shit.
It should involve being chained by the ankle to a large boulder in their own back yard.

trogedon, Sep 1, 8:00am
Yep, they'd have plenty of time to think of the worse case senario. Let's hope the 'copter got them.