Car left at flat

durkar77, Jun 3, 7:00pm
My friend lives in a flatting situation and one of his flatmates has 'disapeared' now for the past 3 months. He has left his car there and the landlord and my friend are unsure what they can now do with the car!

Any help welcome ;)

ontwowheels, Jun 3, 7:01pm
umm if somebody 'disappears' for that long should the police not have been notified!

modie61, Jun 3, 7:01pm
Have you reported him missing to the policie !

durkar77, Jun 3, 7:06pm
He informed the landlord he was leaving then never came back for half his gear.

ontwowheels, Jun 3, 7:16pm
I assume they have no contacts for him, parents, work, uni other friends, facebook, email ETC. Ifall those leads are exhausted i would ring the local police station for advice

carlz05, Jun 3, 9:01pm
Check with someone in the legal profession or Citizens Advice, but I think you're meant to list a public notice in the newspaper stating where the gear is, any money that is owed and if they don't pick it up in 30 days then it will be sold.

patiki1, Jun 3, 9:03pm
Sell it and have a big party with the money.

morrisjvan, Jun 4, 2:15am
park it on the street and let the council remove it.