Collectors Car?

chris.f, Jun 4, 5:35am
Maybe if you're a rubbish collector.
Classic car auction. Have I missed something!!RefId=1005711

a.woodrow, Jun 4, 5:42am
haha classic yank tank there!

tgray, Jun 4, 2:57pm
Consultant Alan from turners, is either new and/or needs urgent re training.

trogedon, Jun 4, 4:44pm
It came in with a bunch of 'real' classics. Don't know about the "clotu" trim.

friendly_prawn, Jun 4, 4:50pm
gee expectations a little over the top on this one!RefId=1019521

sifty, Jun 4, 5:11pm
not really, that is a very nice old 'mont.

nathanmac, Jun 4, 5:40pm
although I think the Turners estimate is a bit high on the XR, it looks a far better car than the XT to me.You'd still have to eyeball them in person to know for sure, but check out the plastic chrome around the gauges and the dashtop on the Chch car, compared to the worn off and covered items on the marron one.Not trying to knock the car, but if you are going to compare the two, look really closely.

friendly_prawn, Jun 4, 5:47pm
I think the turners one is tidier.
i still think the price is cookoo land stuff.

sifty, Jun 4, 5:48pm
So don't buy it.

Solved for ya.

friendly_prawn, Jun 4, 5:52pm
cheers mate. sounds like a great solution lol

nathanmac, Jun 4, 5:54pm
It's cuckoo land stuff to me as I wouldn't spend that much on one of those, although some people would say I should be committed for spending what I am on my old pickup lol.

Still it's nice to see a Fairmont like the Chch one preserved as it is, and hopefully it will end up in a good home where it won't get butchered.

friendly_prawn, Jun 4, 5:56pm