Auto transmission slipping. please help

theboss17, Jun 12, 3:54am
My trans is slipping.
When i went to drive it after work,i put it in drive then accelerated.but it only revved with no drive.
It had a bit of reverse.
I managed to coax it up to open road speed when it finally gripped,
But it would slip occasionally especiallywhen i went round corners.
Is there any way to fix this!
The trans guy is gonna charge $150 to run some tests. but i dont wont to pay $150 to find out its knackered.
which i suspect it is. i would love some advice please.

p.s the fluid was a bit lower than usual, i added some, but know difference

1990 nissan laurel


mugenb20b, Jun 12, 4:25am
Start off by checking the fluid level, its smell and colour.

next-to-normal, Jun 15, 1:35am
change your oil

40wav, Jun 15, 2:12am
Did you check your oil with the engine running like you're supposed to!