Car thieves and car modifcations.?#

hounddog2, Jun 11, 6:22am
car thieves! Im currently really torn between spending some money and have a really nice fun car at the end and well getting something else to spend it on !

guess my question is has worrying that your car may be stolen ever stopped you from modifying it!

a.woodrow, Jun 11, 6:32am
get a gps tracker

trdbzr, Jun 11, 6:42am
As long as you have full insurance and get all your mods listed in your policy you should be fine

hounddog2, Jun 11, 6:43am
I have full insurance (all be it with nac ) AND gps just wondering if anyone else feels the same

sas777, Jun 11, 7:06am
Having lived in Britain for years I know exactly how you feel.that's why I always drove old heaps

smac, Jun 11, 3:07pm
It's just stuff. If you're worried about losing it, insure it, and don't park in dumb places.

kcf, Jun 11, 3:26pm
Have a weekend fun car that's nice, and a POS that you park anywhere without bothering to lock it for the daily commute :-)

Assuming of course that you have a secure place for your fun car to live during the week.

It's actually quite refreshing having a car that's so horrible that you do park in anywhere, unlocked.

jason18, Jun 11, 5:16pm
Yeah straight up. I have always had modified cars, Rotaries etc Now have an XA. I dont drive down the crap parts of hamilton.(as I dont need too) I dont park it up and leave it at night without me near it. I lock it away in a garage or workshop or parents garage. I just take care of them and never had any trouble. Being worried about things like that. Na just let it go. Enjoy your car and insure it

esprit, Jun 11, 5:23pm
Yeah, I deliberately don't do mods that make the car more attractive to steal. I don't put tints on because people just assume you're hiding flash stuff inside. If spending money on car audio, you hide the installs and pay money for nice plain looking head units, or conceal them out of sight. etc.

thegravelracer, Jun 11, 6:40pm
build your own custom immobilizer, or five like me

trader1292, Jun 11, 7:41pm
Agree a few hidden switches is better than any alarm on the market. It took an aa mechanic half an hour to find the kill switch in one of my cars. The previous owner didn't tell me about it and I had bumped it by accident lol. That was only one switch imagine a thief trying to find five.

stusowry, Jun 11, 11:59pm
Insuring a car wont stop it getting stolen. I think the point is, once someone starts spending time and money on something, it becomes their pride and joy, not just any old car. Maybe they have spent hour building it etc. When an heirloom gets stolen, no amount of money can replace it. Simular thing.

smac, Jun 12, 12:02am
Ya I realise that. I've spent hundreds, probably thousands of hours on my cars ( I'm not even gonna think about the money).

What I mean is, I know people who spend time and money on their car, then don't drive it cause they don't want to get it dirty, or damaged, or stolen. Pointless.

bigfatmat1, Jun 12, 1:33am
gps kill switches alarm whatever ya got at the end of the day a car can still be stolen if some one wants it bad enough. gps trackers are easy to get around. kill switches only any good it thief was to drive away. alarm sirens nothing a hammer doesnt fix. you will however reduce the risk with this stuff