Why does trademe auto catogorise now?

rbjz, Jul 13, 2:43am
trying to find a vq30det PS pump and it keeps searching in clutches even tho i click all listings! makes trademe not so quick and easy to use when its always searching in the wrong categories now. thank you just needed a rant lol

aragorn2003, Jul 13, 2:47am
Yeah i hate it to

stepman69, Jul 13, 9:02am
TM will always return the broadest category yielding the words in your search. If you searched on 'vq30det pump' under 'All Items,' the category 'Trade Me Motors > Car Parts > Nissan > Clutches' is returned because only this category contains listings with both of those words. If say you only searched on 'vg30det' under 'All Items,' the broader category of 'Cars, bikes & boats' is returned (along with its various sub-categories that contain listings with that word).