Starter repaired out of warranty

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sgrants, Jul 9, 2:53am
I know I'm a bit of a pussy but is this customer extracting the urine or what! Customer calls me last week complaining that the starter I replaced "approx 8 months ago" is faulty! (Original starter burnt out) I tell him I've closed my biz but will check it for him on Saturday, Got to busy on Sat so went and did it for him on Sunday , Call out remove starter go home replace worn contact return and refit starter, "his accountant has the invoice" no worry,s I say I will sort it! find out from my supplier I did this 20 months ago! When I tell the customer I will have to charge him he spit the dummy so I backed down, I'm I to much of a pussy or what!

supernova2, Jul 9, 2:56am

bootylicious5, Jul 9, 3:01am
Stick to your guns as this person is playing on your kindness! Good Luck :)

mugenb20b, Jul 9, 3:13am
Why bother!

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 9, 3:19am
Is 20 months a reasonable period for a presumably new starter to last! I would say no.

Your 'warranty' is largely meaningless. Presuming the person is a consumer, the CGA applies. Presuming you were not a limited liability company, you are personally liable for any claim under that legislation.

pup2, Jul 9, 3:49am
If new starter from the supplier doesn't have a 20 month warranty, why should you have to cover it. Charge away

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 9, 4:01am
It's quite simple. The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993. Perhaps you've heard of it.

pup2, Jul 9, 4:08am
lol. You always hunt for an argument. Good luck wannabe. Some light reading for YOU.

xs1100, Jul 9, 4:30am
send him the invoice and see what payment threaten baycorp seehow far they really wish to take it

bigfatmat1, Jul 9, 5:00am
1 year from most suppliers 20 mnths contact worn out = two many starts I have replaced the brushes in my van 3 times in 3 years I probably start my van 15 x a day 25 000 times a year this is a reasonable ask for a mechanical part subject to wear! I say charge him if he does not like it add a callout fee onto it. if he does not pay send him to debt collectors

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 9, 8:05am
You always like to show off your ignorance. You've just done it again. Good for you.

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 9, 8:10am
Threaten with Baycorp. you might as well threaten a mauling with a kitten if the guy knows his rights.

Say, how you getting on with the question you were going to ask a cop!

llortmt, Jul 9, 2:40pm
tonyrockyhorror is right providing the vehicle has been subject only to private use. for example bigfatmat1 I suspect you??

bigfatmat1, Jul 9, 3:45pm
It does not matter private commercial what ever its a mechanical part subject to wear and a worn contact is clearly to many starts. Its like doing 3000000km in a brand new car (out of warranty) then trying to take the car sales to disputes tribuneral, court or what ever for a worn out spark plug.

bigfatmat1, Jul 9, 3:48pm
if it was a part inside the starter not subject to wear like a broken winding in the solenoid then it would be a different story and I would meet halfway or heavily discount job it still out of manafacturers warranty. A worn contact though NO

kazbanz, Jul 9, 3:52pm
dude you are making a BIG assumption on a couple of counts
1) that the "customer" was a private person.
2) that 20 months is not concidered fair and reasonable given the use the vehicle has had.
Ohh and OP- IMO -20 months is indeed extracting the urine

pauldw, Jul 9, 5:53pm
Even if you work every day 15 x 365 rounds out around 5500 not 25,000.
Brushes every year, what else is wrong.

If a new vehicle can do over 10 years before the starter wears out as a customer I'd be wondering why the "new" starter didn't do 2 years.

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 9, 6:04pm
It does matter for the purposes of the CGA. The owners also don't have to be actually using the goods they've bought for commercial reasons - the test is whether the goods are NORMALLY bought for business purposes or if they're using the goods for commercial purposes.

It could simply be that the brushes simply aren't substantial enough in the first instance to meet the test of "durability" too.

bellky, Jul 9, 6:08pm
Lucky for you they aren't all like that ay.

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 9, 6:09pm
Wouldn't that require BIG assumptions on a couple of counts! Pot/kettle much!

sgrants, Jul 11, 5:28am
Thanks for the replies, I was gutted at the customers response considering the service I provided and the length of time out of "Warranty " But I will let it go as it was only an hour of my time and one single contact , and seriously those starters (ND reduction starter) should last way longer than 20 months, Hmm maybe that a lesson on Chinese reproduction quality or lack there of !

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 11, 4:48pm
And the NZ importer/distributor/retailer all carry the can for that as far as the consumer's rights go. It's almost incentive for retail businesses to stop dealing with suppliers who don't stand behind their product.

sgrants, Jul 12, 5:17am
Yep they have been advised on the loss of future sales!

969pnz, Jul 15, 10:54pm
CG Act effectively gives a 1 year warranty, but takes account of variables such as OEM, El Cheapo. While 20 months is somewhat short for OEM, it is a long time for "budget" items. You, however have been used! A reasonable customer would have asked you to split the bill.

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 15, 11:18pm
It does no such thing.