Rebuilt auto transmission problems

angelheaven, Jul 5, 4:41am
I had my transmission fully rebuilt under mechanical warranty approx $3500. I have had it back for 8 days now and it has been fine tonight I stopped at the light and went to take of and for a split sec there was nothing there no power or anything when I put my foot down. Then when I parked and went to revserse it was like a jolt bang sensation withoutnoise. Drove fine after that then 3 km later when I got home I tried reversing and it was fine then tried it again and the same problem . I check the trans fluid and it was fine.Meant to be going away tomorrow but sounds like I have to take back to the shop again last time they had it for 13 days dam it. Any idea what this could be seems funny its only just happened have proberly driven 400ks since I had it back

angelheaven, Jul 5, 4:46am
2000 mazda 626 check the fluid whil car was running after driving approx 7km

badz(or)madz, Jul 5, 4:49am
mite just be a sellector adjustment,

angelheaven, Jul 5, 4:52am
oh ok would that be possible to happen 8 days after I have it back. If that is the issue would that take long to repair. The probelm is that its not happening all the time . So you can bet it wont happen when I take is back

angelheaven, Jul 5, 4:58am
yeah I thought that such a pain so no car this weekend

franc123, Jul 5, 5:00am
The best you can do is take it back and explain exactly what it is doing, any auto specialist who knows their stuff will know exactly what components inside the trans are active or being engaged at any given time and will be able to pinpoint it. Even something like a mounting that wasn't tightened properly could cause a clanky reverse engagement, the brief loss of forward drive is a little more worrying if the fluid level is 100%. But hey its theirs and the warranty co's problem, not yours.

angelheaven, Jul 5, 5:02am
Yes that true does it seem strange that it has only just happened though

angelheaven, Jul 5, 5:12am
Ok will take it back in the morning