So the old Corona is going to be up for sale soon. It??
Jun 24, 10:50pm
Owner goes in car with potential buyer--end
Jun 24, 11:01pm
yes and tell them what your excess is for under 25yrs if they crash they pay get it in writting , ive always done it esp with younger people , if they say no then they dont drive simple as.
Jun 24, 11:01pm
I would be sitting in the pasenger sear
Jun 24, 11:21pm
Being with them doesn't resolve the issue of liability if they smash it.
Jun 24, 11:25pm
Go, in the driver's seat.I didn't once and a tyre kicker messed up the 4wd on my Nissan Patrol for sale.
Jun 24, 11:38pm
The intention all along is that i wil be going with whoever takes it for a spin.But smac is right, it's the liability issue I'm trying to find a way to manage my risk for.
Jun 24, 11:43pm
let your insurer know.they will tell you what you need.
Jun 24, 11:44pm
Life is always a gamble.If you don't like it ring up the insurers and pay them more money or take the small risk That's the only way
Jun 25, 12:36am
Theres always a risk-unless they agreethat they bend it they bought it-but even then -a dead man aint paying ya nuffing.
Jun 25, 12:43am
Forget about signed waivers, liability forms etc. Just talk to them.
IF someone under 25 comes to look at it, explain that you can take them for a drive in it but (s)he can't have a test drive because of insurance issues. (S)he might be perfectly happy with that, in which case, there's no problem.
And who knows, maybe no-one under 25 will even come to look at it, in which case there's no problem.
Jun 25, 5:08am
A mercedes I was selling once, I went with the guy and he cained the ares of it. I was ready to tell him to get out. The end of the story was he did not buy and was no more than a tyre kicker.
Jun 25, 5:10am
you always go with a test driver as you dont want them to speed or do burnouts, or even disapear for good with your car.
Jun 25, 5:58am
I've always been lucky when selling, I've only had couple do test drives and they both were over 25yrs and one was on behalf of a under 25yr old. I've sold to someone who bought without a test drive. Heck I myself, bought once sight unseen, just pics over the net and another I had a mate drive it for me. I alway figured if something was broke, I'd fix it.
Jun 25, 7:06am
In the old days potential buyers were genuine and could drive, insurance covered everyone and the roads weren't the opposite is the case! Test driving from the passengers seat is the way to go now!
Jun 25, 7:52am
487579681. No test pilots - no problem taking you for a drive but given my insurance will not cover you then its me who is driving - no exceptions. :)
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