*entering a motorway with a clear lane ahead dedicated to the onramp lane but move over to the second lane anyway into the path of faster moving traffic. *following a another car on a two lane highway then pull out, move up alongside and slow down again to match their speed blocking the other traffic behind both of you. *indicate left to turn into a driveway or sideroad then take a huge righthand swerve, nearly taking out the traffic who have taken notice of the indication & moved right (or pushing them in oncoming traffic), just so you can get that huge Toyota Yaris around that massive curb. *enter the motorway then head straight for the far right lane while maintaining a steady 75-80kph for the length of the motorway. *Be happy in your lane for the last 10kms until I overtake then just as Im level with your door decide (without indicating) that the other lane is where you should be. *On a 3 or 4 lane motorway change lanes just as two other lanes are merging anyway so instead of making 2 into one youve now created 3 into one *At the lights, pull out from behind 2-3 cars into the clear lane, then when they turn green take off slower than them so you end up behind them anyway when the lanes merge. & me with you as well! . any others! Im sure there are
Nov 27, 11:38pm
the ones that speed up in over taking lanes that annoy me . why is it thats the only place they can do speed limit
Nov 27, 11:54pm
There's a couple of ways to fix that, but doesn't always work. 1. Use the third (oncoming) lane if clear, for over taking the car that's meant to be over taking. 2. Beat him to it, start over taking before the passing lane starts.
Nov 28, 1:53am
You must go to work the same way I do! Motorway then to Pakuranga I see all of those.
Nov 28, 1:55am
How about being overtaken going up a hill with a bend coming up!. by a woman in a brand new SUV and she was talking on a cell phone at the time
Nov 28, 2:28am
People driving with no lights on at night, oncoming. You flick your lights off and on, no reaction, you beep as they pass, no reaction.
You could probably turn around, catch them at the traffic lights and slap them in the face while repeatedly saying "turn on your lights" and they still wouldn't notice.
EDIT: And in addition, the other people driving towards them who don't bother flashing people driving with no lights.
Nov 28, 5:09am
LOL, been said before but drivers who drive at night with the drivers headlamp unit out so it looks like a bike. Pr**s.
Nov 28, 8:00am
Doing 50 in a 50 zone. Guy in a mitsubishi overtakes me with a roar flipping the bird at me then slows right down and turns into a driveway.
One that really really irks me is people who scorn and lecture me driving the VN SS cause I'm a danger to society! etc then they get in their daewoo with cheap worn 165/70 tyres and drive around totally distracted by what is in store fronts rather than looking where they are going.
Nothing to do with cars but today a group of fine young indigenous people spat on me and tried to start a fight as well while I was getting a warrant. Wankers.
Nov 28, 8:26am
Damn OP do you drive Silverdale to Mangere by any chance, all that happens quite often to and from work, more so in weekends.
Nov 28, 12:26pm
old people who do 70kmh on the open road with a huge line of cars piling up behind them.then you get to a town 50K zone and they continue doing 70kmh through the town totally oblivious to the speed zones.
of course the cops only ever see these drivers when they are puddling along on the open road being "safe" drivers @ 70kmh
Nov 28, 12:28pm
oh and don't forget the "Brake.slowdown.THEN indicate" people who leave all the people guessing behind them when they slow down on the open road to turn but only actually indicate once they start turning the steering wheel.AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!
Nov 28, 1:32pm
people that drive along with left foot resting on brake pedal - so if you're following you have no idea what they're doing, and certainly no warning of when they might actually be braking [let alone the wear on their brake pads, brake light bulbs, impact on fuel economy]
BMW drivers [mainly] who don't understand their car's complex controls, and drive with fog lights on 24/7
People who think that if you are stationery in an auto, you MUST put it in park. So as you're behind them stuck in a slow crawl, they go park reverse neutral drive neutral reverse park reverse neutral drive neutral reverse park reverse neutral drive neutral reverse park reverse neutral drive neutral reverse park. and of course each time you get their reverse lights flashing. confusing and annoying
Nov 28, 1:43pm
Those in the left lane at lights, who indicate to turn left ONLY after the green. Aaarghhhh!
Nov 28, 2:56pm
They indicate right when they enter a roundabout, and keep indicating right as they exit, directly opposite where they entered from.
Nov 28, 6:25pm
The wankers that ride between rows of traffic on motor bikes
Nov 28, 6:44pm
^^^ and what exactly is wrong with that if done safely! apart from making angry car drivers jealous.
Nov 28, 6:55pm
Neighbour opposite us is terrible at this (although we do live on a fairly quiet road, and she drives a swift, not a yaris). Despite having followed her the last ~3 km home, she still swings wildly left, quite quickly, to get in to her drive. Fortunately I expect it, but most others following her wouldn't be, and trying to go round her and they'll end up in my driveway.
Nov 28, 7:00pm
the dickheads that change lanes suddenly without checking their blind spot and cause injury's to bikers
Nov 28, 7:02pm
inconsiderate drivers which sit in their lane wanting to turn right on a busy bit of road holding up hundreds of cars behind them. that annoys me
Nov 28, 7:04pm
I'd love to know what it is about BMWs that causes this behaviour. Most European cars and a good chunk of Japanese ones have rear fogs now but almost every time I see them left on its a BMW.
Nov 28, 7:33pm
it's largely to do with the positioning of the light switches - the headlight / foglight switches are often the same, but one set on left of binnacle and one set on right.
I observe a similar thing with headlights left on full beam - 7 out of 10 times it seems to be a Commodore, and i suspect it has something to do with dim, or poorly placed full beam warning light!
Nov 28, 9:07pm
"dim" - that's possibly the drivers!
Nov 29, 12:28am
People who just stop in the road, blocking a lane, because they saw someone getting into a parallel-parked car, so if they just wait for 30 seconds or so they'll get a park. Everyone else behind them can just wait too.
People who toot their horns inside the Mt Victoria tunnel. I would like to see a capital punishment model introduced to curb this problem, it would be based on the Southwark gate of Old London Bridge where the disembodied heads of traitors were put up on spikes and left to rot.
Nov 29, 12:37am
Yeah! it's not fare that they don't have to sit and stew like the rest of us.not only that but they give me the sh!ts as they suddenly pass my friggin drivers window.god damn #*@%*
Nov 29, 12:39am
I go slow if I have some dick behind me right up my ass. speed limit is 80 along our "motorway" so generally go 90ish. out of nowhere tonight a car is right behind me sitting so close if I tapped on my brakes she would fly in to me. so I speed up to catch up with a truck side by side and slowed down to his speed (75ish). Stuff the bitch.
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