do i do as soon as i touch door inside or out i am getting zapped .this has only been doing this for the last week ,it is after i turn off the key to get out . i am getting loathe to drive it as it is not nice .any help with a remedy please.
Jan 20, 2:11am
Option 1. Stay home
Option 2. Hold onto the metal door frame before (and during) you place you feet on the ground.
Option 3. Fit an earth strap
Option 4, Change your brand of undergarment.
Jan 20, 2:12am
p.s. Option 2 works, and its free!
Jan 20, 2:13am
have you changed what you wear in the last week.! Women suffer more than men as they tend to wear synthetic underthingummies and static can build up to thousands of volts. (Yes some some men probably wear camisoles etc too).
A simple thing to try is touching the glass of the window before exiting as this can 'bleed' static charge before touching the door
Jan 20, 2:16am
i agree here - i had this problem once and it was the shoes i was wearing.
Jan 20, 2:16am
In low humidity weather, static electricity builds more readily.
Simply hold the door frame as you step from the car instead of the insulated handle.
Jan 20, 2:21am
Synthetic seat covers, combined with synthetic clothing. That'll do it every time.
Jan 20, 2:24am
Nissan Primeras are shocking for this. (Geddit!)
But if it is a new problem in an old car, then you need to figure out what has changed. as others are saying, maybe something you are wearing that is causing a static charge to accumulate while you are in the car.
Jan 20, 2:42am
In low humidity almost all cars get it from time to time, the easiest way as mentioned above is to hold the frame of the car has you get out.
Jan 20, 2:46am
change your knickers, seriously.
Jan 20, 3:17am
ok guys i change my clothes every day so different ones. the boots started where i pull the latch to open the door .so i used some paper to open it then i went to shut it from the outside and that booted me .i drive a four wheel drine mitsi pajaro the small three door one and have had it for four years this hasnt been a problem before. i have changed footwear and now wearing the plastic frog typethe ugly ones .but so comfy maybe it is them .the car is high so it boots me before i touch the ground or get out maybe im electrically charged at the moment i just know it is not niceold seat covers been in it four years i will try touching thye windows first see if that helps . thank you all for your hints .
Jan 20, 3:21am
Maybe you're just a naturally highly charged sort of person.
You're too powerful for your car. :)
Jan 20, 3:33am
yes thank you mark i am definetly something not normal and may revert to walking . until the winter,
Jan 20, 3:50am
i got my thingee zapped once .oopps different story
Jan 20, 3:56am
Get a Earth strap, usually rubber, it runs along the ground.
Jan 20, 4:09am
Better still, go commando.
Jan 20, 4:49am
Are you depressed!
Jan 20, 4:51am
By peeing on an electric fence after 139 pints of ale!
Jan 20, 6:01am
It'll be the ugly rubber shoes.
Jan 20, 6:20am
I was told its because of using nylon belted car tires though I don't know if thats true. Could you check if your tires are the nylon belt sort! I just wanna find out.
Otherwise, auto shops sell a 'earth strap' that hangs under the car to earth it.
Jan 20, 7:13am
Ask some random person to open your door.
Jan 20, 7:22am
Don't wear nickers.
Jan 20, 8:01am
And I guess you're the type that lays underneath other peoples cars for the fun of it.
Jan 20, 8:13am
Shoes can make a difference.
Jan 20, 8:14am
thank you all i have expensive tyresso not them.hankookthey aretomorrow i wont wear my new white ugly shoes and see if that makes a differencecheers for all replys anddifferent ideas
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