H-davidson insurance recommendations please

roadkillcafe, Jun 21, 12:12am
Wanting firsthand recommendation of insurance company who are good buy don't fleece you-and examples of why uou'd suggest the particular company. I'm looking at insuring a fairly damn original condition limited model semi collectible shovelhead against theft/fire/damage etc (its stored out of town where no one would expect to find it nor look for it and where no one really visits but i guess i just want to avoid a complete loss-even if very very unlikely)(also it doesnt need insuring for on road as its only being stored and not used at all) value is about $14k t.ia.

quickbuck, Jun 21, 12:18am
try www.kiwibike.co.nz , or another option: 0800 4 Joblin,

stabi360, Jun 21, 1:16am
i have mine with vero through dave golightly
hd dealerships are offereing insurance as well

i went through dave as a friend had his one through him and claimed and he did a good job with it

mrmann, Jun 21, 1:18am
Join the hog club and do your insurance thru the club cut my insurance bill i in half

roadkillcafe, Jun 21, 1:33am
Hmmm.interesting, thanks a lot, i'll check these out. Any other positive experiences out there with insuring h-d's!-incl in regard to how you were treated if you had to make a claim, etc!p.s my immediate thoughts on going thru an h-d dealer tends to be that i'd imagine that anything that they're connected with would incur their fat pound of flesh-whether or not there was justifiable actual benefit for the insured in their input. I may be wrong!

berg, Jun 21, 1:34am
+1, both bikes here insured with them. When Mrs Berg binned her bike they paid to fix it without a problem

brokebloke1, Jun 21, 4:27am
im with Kiwibike pay monthly $25.00 for $13000 cover on sportser, best deal around

berg, Jun 21, 4:39am
Interesting as a mate has just changed from Kiwibiker to Golightly for his Hyabusa. Cheaper and a better deal on gear, helmets, lost keys etc.
$25 a month is pretty good though

roadkillcafe, Jun 21, 7:35pm
any other good/bad motorbike insurance experiences!cheers

stabi360, Jun 21, 10:53pm
to be blunt i wouldnt think any one would insure a semi collectible shovelhead for 14k